Chapter 4- Forgive me Sakura

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Sakura awoke to a gentle knock on the wooden door of her bedroom, looking at the alarm beside her bed, it flashed 2:45 am, she growled at the sight of the clock, sleepily getting up towards the door;

"You better have a good reason to be waking me up" she growled opening the door to reveal a wide awake Naruto.

"I'm sorry sakura-chan, I don't know why I came,, Sorry ill leave" he said slowly making his way back to his room,

"Naruto wait, come in" she rolled her eyes gesturing for the blonde to come in,

"How can I assist you" she yawned sitting on her bed motioning for him to sit

"Sakura-chan, I was thinking, I can sleep, those words you said haunt me, There are no words in the world to justify my actions, I just promised you id bring him back, I didn't want you to come because I didn't want to hurt you, if I failed to bring him back. I didn't know it was going to hurt so much, I'm sorry sakura-chan I don't expect you to forgive me, I don't expect for things to go back to normal dattebayo.I thought about you everyday for the past four years, my feelings for you only grew stronger sakura, despite being so far away from you, I'm sorry sakura-chan" goodnight with that he got up only to feel a tight yet soft grip on his arm, sakura pulled him back down and gave him a hug

"I missed you Naruto" she whispered.

"I did too sakura-chan" he answered


The next morning sakura woke up happier than usual, she was glad she had the talk with Naruto last night, she sat down with shikamaru kiba sai and Naruto, they chatted abit discussed some things, before a anbu appeared,

"Sakura-senpai Kiba-senpai -shikamaru-senpai sai-senpai Naruto-san, Hokage-sama requests to see you immediately! anbu attire now!" with that the butterfly masked anbu disappeared.

"What with the rush" questioned kiba before they all ran towards the hokage tower.

"Hokage-sama you summoned?" bowed sai

"Naruto sakura, hes gone, hes gone again" she said looking down.

"Not today, that uchiha brat!" hissed sakura

"How could he, after I dedicated four years to bring him back" yelled a annoyed Naruto.


"Hm sakura?" she looked up curiously

"I would like to request, a mission" she looked up

"What kind of mission Sakura?" tsuande raised a brow, the anbu team and Naruto looked up at sakura

"I would like to request a mission to assassinate team taka" she looked at tsunade determination in her eyes.

"Tsaunde-sama I ask you to allow me to accompany sakura" bluntly said sai receiving a agreeable nod from shika and kiba.

Naruto starred blankly at both sakura and tsuande, he knew sakura was right, it was about time someone taught him a lesson, But he was still his comrade.

"Farewell, sakura you have my permission, but you must speak with the council for the final decision, I will arrange for you to speak to them, please report to me along with a team of your choice, which I assume stand before me, 5 days from now am sharp" tsunade said clearly impressed



That night sakura sat on the hokage faces, breeze flowing through her long hair.

"Am I making the right choice" she mumbled

"Sakura-chan" said a blonde sitting beside her

"Naruto, I'm sorry but no matter what you say I'm still going to speak with the council" she replied looking him in the eyes.

"Sakura-chan, I didn't come here to discourage you, but to ask you if I can accompany you" he said looking up into her jade green eyes

"Naruto you don't have to, i know you disagree with it," she said

"i know i do, but i cant stand him hurting you again" he said cupping her face with his strong hands

He brushed his lips against hers, kissing her passionately, her eyes wide open before closing them and returning the kiss.

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