Chapter 9- Proposal

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*I do not Own Naruto!*

The journey home was silent, Sakura was at the point of chakra exhaustion as she has been healing Naruto for the whole journey.

When they did arrive they headed straight for the hokage office.


"Mission Failure huh?" tsuande asked, she was quiet shocked

"Hai, Hokage-sama" answered sakura who was leaning against shikamaru,

"Sakura may I ask, why did you spare his life?" she curiously asked the young pinkette

"I know what he's done isn't acceptable, but both me and Naruto agreed that sasuke afterall was our team mate, our family. He hurt us all but that isn't a reason to kill him, as much as I wanted to I thought to myself I've killed so many people before that another one wouldnt make a difference, but in reality it would, a wise person once said people become stronger because there are memories that they will not forget, I couldn't kill him because those memories I have with him, back in team 7 are the ones that keep me from ripping him to shreads" she honestly answered

Tsunade sat there eyes open in shock, she was the wise person that once said that, moments passed before sakura collapsed onto the floor,

"SAKURA" yelled tsunade falling to the floor in front of her daughter like figure, she begun healing, tears falling down her face,

"Shikamaru get shizune, its best we take her to the hospital give her some rest" she said giving him a weak fake smile.


Sakura opened her bright green orbs, her vision was still blurry, she had a pounding headache.

"Sakura-chan" yelled a blonde tears filling his eyes "YOUR OKAY" he said hugging her tightly

"Naruto-kun" she smiled weakily.

"I'm so glad your ok, dattebayo" he grinned

"I see Kurama, healed you up well" sakura smiled

"She did" said Naruto scratching his neck

Sakura grabbed the front of naruto's shirt pulling him eye to eye with her she starred deep into his eyes before she said

"Thank you Kurama" she kissed him leaving Naruto speechless, no one has ever tried to speak to the 9 tales before let alone thank them, he gave her a warm smile before tightly hugging her.

"Sakura-chan guess what" he smiled

"What Naruto-kun" she asked confused

he got on one knee pulling out a box, he opened it and asked

"Sakura Haruno, I know we are only 19 but I would like to ask you a question because you mean so much to me, Will you marry me?" he smiled

Sakura sat in shock, the boy in front of her was proposing to her in the box was a cherry blossoms diamond flower on a rose gold coloured ring, she smiled tears of joy falling out of her eyes

"Yes Naruto YES" she smiled

The room was filled with claps, Sakura nor did Naruto notice sai, shikamaru, kiba, tsunade and shizune walking in to observe Naruto proposing to Sakura.

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