Chapter 7- Crossing Paths

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*I do not own Naruto*

Village from village, inn after inn,  Sasuke was no where to be found.

"He covered his tracks well" huffed Sai stretching his arms in exhaustion

"Its only been two days, since Kiba spoke to Jugo" exclaimed Naruto

"Oi guys" pointed Shikamaru

"No way, no way in hell" growled Sakura stomping in a quick paste towards a certain red haired girl

"Karin!" she yelped

"Isn't it Sakura Haruno" she chuckled

at this point the team stood behind sakura preparing for a obvious outburst

"Karin, I would like to speak with you" asked politely sakura this shocked everyone as they were certain Sakura would burst out of annoyance.

"Sure, right this way" grinned Karin

The six of them walked into the pub, not far from the place they saw Karin, they sat in a loft for six and Karin begun:

"I'm assuming you want to talk about Sasuke" she begun receiving nods,

"Not much I can say , however I crossed paths with him 4 months ago, he failed to notice me obviously, He came into my pub with a grey haired man not so much older than himself he looked familiar but I didn't really notice anyone besides Sasuke back then " she stated

"Kabuto" hissed Sakura

"Orochimaru's creepy assistant, how could I forget, Never mind that the moment he saw me he disappeared as quickly as he got here, haven't seen him since," she answered

"What a jerk" moaned kiba

"Your best bet is too look for him in the village hidden in the mist, rumours are going around that Orochimaru has been seen there, he's probably following Orochimaru like a little bitch" chuckled Karin

"Karin?, why are you helping us?" asked Shikamaru

"I'm choosing the good side for once" she smiled

"Thank you Karin, dattebayo" chirped Naruto

"Stay Safe, come by my pub any time" she winked and disappeared into the back room

"She's clearly changed" laughed Sai

"Next stop, Village Hidden in the Mist!" yelled Sakura happily.

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