Chapter 6- Its been a year

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*I do not own Naruto; I'm actually so thankful to everyone that took time to read this far. I never imagined that people would actually read my fanfiction. Thank you everyone!*

-One Year Later-

The five shinobi, have gotten closer than ever traveling together for a year got them to put aside their differences. Kiba Shika Sai and Sakura forgave Naruto and accepted him as their own. Sakura and Naruto have gotten pretty attached to each other, and even became romantically interested, despite the three protective anbu's protecting their little cherry blossom, they accepted Naruto to be the one most suitable for her.

The hunt for sasuke became more challenging, he was one step ahead of them.. They refused to give up, they still had a year left and they were going to accomplish the mission. They travelled from village to village across the five nations. they gained new friends and caught up with old ones. The were currently staying in the village hidden in the sand Suna. Temari was persistent that Shikamaru came to meet up with her again; they had a on and off thing going ever since the mission begun.

"SAKURA-CHAN" yelled a out of breath Kiba running into Sakura and Naruto's inn room.

"Kiba-kun, breath, what's wrong?" asked a slightly amused Sakura

"You will not believe who I just saw at the pub!!!" he exclaimed

"Please Tell us" laughed Naruto at the state of the boy

"I saw and SPOKE to Jugo from Sasuke's team! you will not believe what he told me" he answered

"What! What did he tell you!" gasped Sakura


"Jugo?" gasped Kiba

"Kiba-san" bowed Jugo

"Where is Sasuke" kiba hissed

"Long gone, haven't seen him in almost a year" he replied calmly

"What do you mean? aren't you part of team taka?" said Kiba sitting down

"Since I'm not obligated to listen to Sasuke-san, I will enclose you into the story" he said looking at kiba's shocked face

"Almost 10 months ago, we stayed at a village in a inn, sasuke specifically asked for a separate room, we found it strange but it was Sasuke after all, when we woke up he was gone as if he vanished into thin air, Karin couldn't sense his chakra anywhere, we looked for him for two months, we just couldn't find him, Me Karin and Suigetsu went our separate ways, without Sasuke to guide us we fell out, Karin and Suigetsu just couldn't stand eachothers company anymore and their constant arguments made it impossible to travel with them, I Have no clue where they are, or what they're doing" he stated sadly

"Thank you Jugo" smirked Kiba before running out of the pub

-End Flashback-

"Unbelievable" mumbled Naruto

"Get Shika-kun and Sai-kun, were leaving" growled a pissed of Sakura 

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