Chapter 3- Not So Welcome Home

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*I do not own Naruto*

Sitting on top of the hokage faces, sat a aggravated pink haired girl, memories from the previous few hours flooding her head wildly.

"Thinking I see?" said a familiar voice sitting beside her.

"Kakashi-sensei" sadly smiled the girl,

"So they're back huh" the silver haired jounin huffed.

"How'd you guess" she replied coldly at the sound of her old team mates returning,

"The news quickly flash across the village, but don't worry sakura, they betrayed you, they betrayed konoha, Those in the ninja world who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are lower than scum" smirked kakashi.

"kakashi-sensei thank you!, " she looked up at him,

"Please Sakura, don't be so formal your surpassed me a while ago, no need for the sensei" he said awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

"You'll always be my sensei" she hugged him tightly before disappearing in a tornado of black cherry blossom petals.


"Saku-chan your back" exclaimed a excited kiba hugging her tightly, blocking her air path.

"Kiba-kun, I was only gone for a few hours" said a blue faced sakura

"We were worried sakura," he said placing her on the sofa next to Akamaru and grabbing her a tea.

"I'm sorry, Kiba-kun where are Sai-kun and Shika-kun" she asked running her long slim fingers through  Akamarus long shiny fur.

"They're still at the hokage tower arranging the living agreements for team taka (+Naruto), as they're staying with us" he growled spitefully at his own words.

Sakura just sat there frozen, not with sadness, not with fear but with pure anger, Just when her life started being bright again when she wanted to let her emotions back in, they come back ruin it take way her happiness once again. 


The next morning,

"Saku-chan, team taka has arrived" said shikamaru entering the room of the pinkette sitting on her bed,

"Shika-kun, I don't feel the need, to be present downstairs to meet them" she replied burying her head under the pillow.

"As much as I would also like to not be present there, we have to tell them about the terms of living under our roof, since we pay for it, its only natural we set some ground rules together, making sure they understand and wont break them" he scoffed looking at the girl,

"Fine Fine, only because I don't want to leave you guys alone with them" she said sitting up and pouting at him.

"That's my girl" he chuckled.


Sakura made her way gracefully down, she rolled her eyes at the sight of her former team sitting together on the couch, she walked pass them sitting opposite inbetween sai and shikamaru.

"Team Taka, as for now you our under our roof and under our supervision as Tsuande-sama mentioned yestarday," said sai breaking the tense silence.

"hn" said sasuke eyeing sakura who payed no attention to him.

"We have some rules, we're going to have to have you follow, in order to keep peace between us." kiba said looking up at the five ninjas before him.

"Rule one, dont leave the house without notifying one of us, We dont really fancy having to chase after you brats, whenever you feel like having a fit" spoke sakura yawning boredly at them.

"Rule two, do not invade someone elses privacy without them allowing you to do so, its annoying, disrespectful, and if its sakura-chans room you will most likely get killed in the most painful way possible" said sai with a warning look in his eyes.

"I highly doubt that weakling will do anything, Yestarday she got lucky with sasuke-kun" said Karin getting up and stomping her foot.

With a blink of a eye the pinkette was on top of Karin twisting her arm backward whilst leaning into her ear

"Rule three, do not start a battle you will not end, i dont care who you are, what you think of me, and most importantly i dont care about your minor existence in this world, if you push me i will kill you and i do not care who i have to bring down with me to achieve that, Understood bitch?" she hissed letting go off the broken arm of the red haired girl before yanking her up back into her seat and healing her arm.

"Y-Y-Yes" sad the girl with fear and pain in her eyes.

Naruto looked at his former team mate and crush eyeing her up and down noticing everything that has changed about her, stopping at her eyes, the were still beautiful yet darker emotionless and definately fearless.

"Ahem, Continiuing your rooms are upstairs, they're labled with "fox, snake, healer, peace and water, Make youself at home, and please dont make Sakura explain the rules again using force this time" said a slighly amused kiba grinning at the fear in their eyes"

'If that wasnt force, what excatly is force for that chick, she broke karins hand as if it was a small twig, she not weak' tought the water controller suigetsu.

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