chapter 7: why won't you believe me?

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You've been discharged from the hospital for a couple weeks now, yet no one believes you that you're mentally sane, and that it was Hyungwon who beat you.

You and Minhyuk were alone in the kitchen, as the rest of the boys were in their room either sleeping or doing something else.

"Y/N, tell me, did you see your attacker clearly? Are you positive it was Hyungwon?" Minhyuk asked you.

"How many times have I told you?! It was Hyungwon, I promise!" You sighed, exasperated that no one trusts you just because they knew Hyungwon longer.

You have been living with the boys in their house, as they said it would be easier for you than to rent another one.

"Minhyuk, can I tell you the whole story? I've told no one else about this. You have to trust me on this."

"Fine, tell me. I won't tell anyone else."

"That day... in the alley... Hyungwon was making out with another woman. He saw me watching them, and turned around shirtless and began to attack me. He was furious at me because I saw what he was doing. I swore I wouldn't tell anyone, but he didn't believe me so he punched me and knocked me to the ground to shut me up." You started to tear up," I swear it was him, I swear!"

He looked at you, and said quietly," I believe you. I believed you from the day you told us in the hospital, but I didn't want to be talked down upon by the other guys. That's why I made a joke about him being a stick, because I didn't want to be left behind. I didn't want to be abandoned like what happened to me as a child."

"Why did you leave me alone to be distrusted by the others?"

"I... I'm sorry. It was just instinct to stay with the people that I've known longer, but I now realize that they're all retards. Why would they believe such a liar?"

"Right? He pisses me off so mu- HEY!"

Hyungwon sneaked up behind you and grabbed you by the wrist, and pulled you into the separate room. He locked the door and smirked.

"What the hell do you think you're doing Hyungwon?? Get the fuck away from me!" You hissed at him, trying to push him away.

He licked his lips, and pushed you onto the bed.

"Stop! You shit!" You were slightly flustered at this, but you knew it wasn't right.

"Oh no, I heard what you say to Minhyuk, and if I remember correctly, I told you not to tell anyone? You know what time it is right?" His eyes turned dark," It's time to punish you baby girl."

You gulped, and saw desire and lust in his eyes.

He ripped of your shirt, and started to grope your breasts, while one hand snaked down. You screamed, causing the door to be shaken, and you hoped it was someone coming to save you.

The door unlocked and Changkyun burst into the room, and pushed Hyungwon away from you. He pulled you into his chest, and out of the room, and narrowed his eyes at Hyungwon," Stay away from her. I thought you were better than this."

He led you into his own room, and locked the door. You just sat down on his bed in shock, not aware of your surroundings.

"What... just happened?"

He kneeled down beside you, and looked at you in the eye," You were just molested by Hyungwon. For what reason I don't know why, but he did. I just saved you, and now you're in my room."

You broke down, crying from all of the things that just happened. He just stood up and sat down beside you, brushing the things on his bed away awkwardly.

He slowly gave you a hug, and pulled you into his warmth. You just cried and cried into his chest, from the boys not believing you, to Hyungwon being the person he is.

After a little a bit of crying, you felt a little better, but a realization hit you. You were only in your bra, as Hyungwon ripped your shirt apart. You quickly pulled away, and felt your cheeks flare up. He glanced down, and laughed.

"Oh, don't worry, I'll just grab one of my shirts."

Don't guys usually get embarrassed from seeing girls like this? How is he so calm?

"Here you go." You put on his black shirt, but it was so big it even covered half of your thighs.

"Thank you Changkyun. Thank you so much. I honestly don't know what would of happened to me if he continued." You shuddered at the thought, and he sighed.

You told him about the night in the alley again, except this time, he seemed to believe you.

"I honestly didn't know he was this type of guy. I guess I believe you now. He was a completely different person when he turned around to look at me in the room. I was scared."

"How did you even know that I was in trouble?" You were curious about how he found out.

"I heard loud noises in the hallway when he pulled you in, and then Minhyuk almost broke down my door when he burst in to tell me that you were in trouble. He surprised me a lot, considering he came to me for help. He would usually go to Shownu."

"Thank you again, I was honestly so frightened in his room." You confessed.

He sighed and replied, as you stared into his deep, chestnut brown eyes," No problem, try to get some sleep. I'll bring you back to your room."

The moment your head hit your comfy pillow, you dozed off into a deep sleep.

Minhyuk's POV

Shit, she was just pulled into Hyungwon's room. The last time this happened, the girl came out half alive.

I rushed to Changkyun's room, and opened his door without thinking. He was on his bed, grunting, and was making jerking movements.

"Oh shit Changkyun, sorry man. I didn't know you were busy jacking off to some girl."

"Fuck you Minhyuk, I was almost there. And no, not just any girl." He sighed, and turned around, and looked at me in the eye,"What do you want?"

"Um, Y/N just got pulled into Hyungwon's room, and if you remember last time..." I trailed off, unsure if I should continue.

He scrambled up," Oh man, I guess I gotta stay uncomfortably hard for now. Thanks for telling me, I'll go help her." He zipped up his jeans, and there was still a huge bulge there.

"Minhyuk don't tell me you're gay you little shit. Stop looking at my dick."

I glanced away, and Changkyun rushed past me towards Hyungwon's room.

There was still tissue and a recent group photo of us with Y/N on his still unlocked phone. I locked his phone, unable to see the picture any longer.

He really does like her huh?

I sighed, disappointed at myself for being unable to help her.

I really am too weak, I need to start working out in order to save the people I like. Changkyun's taking her from me.

I went back to my room, sighed, and let Changkyun be the hero for today.

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