Chapter 15~

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Eve's POV

Well well well, look at their faces, it was priceless.

Ignoring them, i decided to walk straight home. Then, the light bulb turns on.

"Help me carry my bag." I threw it in the air knowing one of them would catch it and true enough 'they' did.

They continued arguing about why they had to do this blah blah blah. I didn't have the energy to listened to them so i tuned them out and continued walking.

After reaching home, I dumped my bag on my bed and headed straight to the shower. It was sort of my reflection corner and a place that allows me to think properly.

I went through the things that have recently happened, 

1. I was angry, energy or whatever you call them flowed out of me.

2. This is very weird cause i have never experienced this before.

3.Those 2 jerks are calling me their soulmates *EWW*

4.I have to do something about this.

So, from what just happened, i have concluded that, i really need to sleep.

I stepped out of the heavenly shower and dropped onto my bed and went to la la land without dinner. 

Hang on a minute, what's happening, why am i falling off a cliff all of a sudden? Please let this be a dream that i can control, i calmed myself down and started to breath in as slowly as possible emptying my brain of anything and true enough like my previous dreams i have had, i landed safely at the foot of the huge mountain with the familiar stranger waiting for me.

I eyed him suspiciously as i have always had through the many years but, somehow i knew that  he was a good guy that helps me.Because, everytime he would appear to tell me something useful in my life in one way or another. He was like my master i guess, he was the one that taught me how to use my magic . But, the bad thing about him is that everytime he appeared, it would mean something bad would be happening to me for example when mum and dad just died and he appeared in my dream for the first time, i refused to listen to him and the next day, i almost got into a car accident but lucky for me, my reflexes saved me and i only got some light physical damages.Now i treat him like a mysterious teacher of mine since i had no means of contacting him and he wouldn't let me know who he was, so most of the time, i just listen.

"Hi, how long has it been since i last saw you?"

"I believe it has been 3 months"

"So what do you have for me today?" I asked knowing that it would be a very long talk.

"I believe something happened recently right?" He asked with the type of voice i hated the most. Those" AH HAH, I know you did something"  tone.

So, knowing that i would definitely lose to a mental challenge with him *i tried it before* , i just told him everything that i was unsure of and observed his expression as i was speaking. No change in facial expressions, as usual. He kept quiet for a few seconds then he started speaking.

"Try not to use your magic for awhile, be careful of everyone, trust no one but youself as i have always said."

I nodded and his body started to dissolve into mist and i gradually went back to a normal sleep with no dreams.

What was that supposed to mean? To not use magic? I thought to myself......


Okay, so it's been a SUPER DUPER long time since i last posted, didn't have a lot of inspiration, but oh well, IM BACK~!!! i hope you guys enjoyed it, rremember to vote,comment and introduce to your friends :) thanks ^^

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