Chapter 10!

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                             i know that i shouldn't be uploading this since my previous chapter didn't get 5 votes >< i think.... but *sigh* what can i do?

Eve’s POV

“Hey stop pulling me!!! What? You have PMS or something?”

What the heck is wrong with Derek?  I wanted to learn more about Brad and his powers but noooo he just had to grab me away and swished me off my feet.

“No I don’t.” He said while clenching his teeth. Hmph, I’m still gonna find Brad somehow. We reached the house and Derek lock me into my room. “HEY!!! Who says you have the right to lock me in!! YOUR NOT MY MUM!!!!!”

“I’m not, but I do practically own half of the house.” He replied.

“Hmph, but why must I be locked in?? I didn’t do any crime.”

“Just feel like it.”

OH MY GOD, he did not just say that!! He locked me up just so he felt like it? He must be lying… there’s definitely a reason, I KNOW!! Can’t believe it, he locked me away so he could take all the chocolates for himself… I would have share if he asked. Well, maybe only a quarter of it.

I’m so gonna get my chocolates back I thought to myself. I was about to kicked the door when I suddenly heard something knocking against my window. MY PRECIOUS WINDOW!!! I ran towards my window and quickly opened it, earning a smacked on the face by a small pebble. “What the he-“ I was about to say something but was cut off as someone has just jumped into my room through the window. “Who the he- BRAD??” I turned and my jaw dropped. He just freaking jumped to the second floor!!

“SHHH!” He whispered and clamped his sweaty hands on my mouth.

“Ewwwww get your smelly hands away.” I said defensively.

“Okay okay, I’m here to know more about you and tell more about myself too.”

“WOWW great minds think alike!! Give me a high five!” I said and raised my hand in the air. He returned it and said “Can you be quiet for once? Didn’t realized you talked this much before.” “Guess I’m on sugar rush.” I said and continued “So… what are you?”

He set himself comfortably on my bed and said “well I’m an elf and I have the ability to suck people’s life force. That’s pretty much all.”

“Ohhh, awesome ability.”

“More like a pain, I have to suck people life force like once a month cause if I don’t I’ll die.”

“That sucks.” I said.

“Tell me about it, so what about you?”

Am I able to trust him?... maybe not… “I’m Santa Claus.” I said and saw himself almost falling off my bed. “Seriously? You think that I’ll believe that? Tell me honestly Eve, you know you can trust me.”

“Okok, I’m also an elf.”


“Well, half human and half elf specifically.”

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