Chapter 5!

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Eve's POV

I can't believe what i just did!! I wanted to stay out of attention in school but thanks to Nina and Derek, this is going to be harder than i thought...with addition to the guy i just threw on the ground. ah T_T this is starting to depress me...

And desperate times call for some chocolates^^ I ran as quietly as i could to the cafeteria (if you haven't noticed, i'm currently skipping lessons) luckily i was able to make it without any teachers spotting me. BUT! to my horror, the chocolates were sold out... this is all that brat's fault... and he even dared to grab my arm.. too bad for him that i am trained in martial arts because my dad used to say 'Hey,you never know when you will need it'  That is so true... but, i was shocked at how expressionless i was when i talked to him when in actual i was freaking out inside thinking of what to do next...but now that i think about it, he was as hot as Derek, muscluar with a hot six pack :) Actually, I didn't expect my body to act on its own and smack him on to the ground but then again, his shocked expression was priceless.

Wait a minute, wasn't i angry with him now? i mean, he prevented me from eating my chocolates... Depressed, I walked slowly back to class and lied to Mr Logen, my maths teacher, that i went to the infirmary as i was feeling a bit sick.

But, he kept asking me what type of sickness and blurted out with a expressionless face "I'm having my period, happy?" Mr Logen face immediately flushed red with embarrasment and i tried really really hard to hold my laughter in... but, apparently the class didn't get my joke and started whispering"look, it's the rumoured ice queen...don't look in her eyes or you will freeze to death"

Ah.... i don't think thay know that i could hear them loud and clear. I glared at them and they started cowering in their seat. So much for gossiping huh? Apparently, i got the nickname ice queen because i had icy blue eyes and when everyone laughed at a joke the teacher cracked, i didn't even crack a smile. It's not my fault there's a reasonable explaination for why i say it's not my fault.

 1.I inherited my blue eyes from my mother and i am proud of it     2. I don't find how black chickens are better than normal chickens just because the colour of their eggs layed by them is different from their feather colour. It's not even funny.

Just then, Derek tapped my shoulder and passed me 3 bars of chocolates. I instantly grinned from ear to ear in my head but kept my face expressionless as always... i guess it became a habit? I said thanks to him through the telepathy thingy and started to munch on the chocolate bar given to me a second ago. Then, i smelled fried must be hungry!

I followed the smell and turned my head to the left and guess what? i found that brat staring straight at me sitting right next to me...geez, why didn't i notice the strong smell of fried chicken until now? Am i really an idiot like how Derek always said i am? i mean, i score 100 marks for all of my subjects...boys! don't understand what they are talking about...

Mom used to tell me boys become stupid and do stupid things when they find their fateful mate. i crossed me fingers and started to pray to god that i will never have to witness that happening near me. I was starting to get bored and i started my own little concert in my head which really annoyed Derek since he wanted to concentrate in class. Well, too bad.

By the time I ended my little concert, it was 15 minutes before school ended. Throughout my concert, I could feel 2 pairs of eyes staring intensely at me. I'm guessing it's the chicken guy and the chocolate guy(Derek). It's not bad to have 2 hot guys staring at me but for the whole entire duration i was having my concert which was like 3 hours? That's just plain creepy.

After lessons ended, i had a feeling my bed is calling me desperately to hurry home so that it can hug me and give me all the love i'll need. I walked quickly to my locker, dumped everything inside and went straight towards the main gate when i was stopped by Derek and the chicken guy at the same time. Derek at the front and chicken guy from the back. Talk about the right timing. I groaned at the thought of my bed asking more and more desperately by the second.

"What do the both of you want from me?" I said with an expressionless face and a monotone.


Hmm....I just wrote what i could think of.Hope u won't find it very boring?

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