chapter 17

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sorry for spelling errors. I'm an idiot so lol. and my laptop doesn't do the spell error thingy soooooooooooooooooooppppppppppppppppsssssssssssssssssssss

lizzies pov.

that was a stressful school day yesterday. I dread the sound of my alarm. I stayed up till 2 last nights talking and playing cod with joel. it was cute how he embarresed himself yesterday. I cant believe he kinda likes me! I put my uniform on and put my hair in a messy bun. I wear little to none makeup. I usally do foundation, conceler, eyebrows, highlight, eyeshadow and blush but today I only done my brows with some mascara. I twist my skirt around as its annoying my hips making them ichy. I walk to the bus stop with yammy and wait for the bus to come. we talk about nothing really, she just told me about the drama with lauren, Karen and bobby. I didn't know I missed so much by hiding in a bathroom. the office signed me out so I didn't have to go to class for the rest of the day but I could stay in the school since my mum couldn't collect me. we arrive to school and I et my books then making my way to the lunch hall. it was quiet. the 2nd and 5th years were gone on an education trip. not at all like a school tour. I sat down in my set and wait for the others to come after they were finished getting their books. the first person to join me is oli and scott. "heyo." I smile as they sit down. "whats cooking good-" scott shoved oli before he could finish. "oli don't finish your sentence unless your talking to Maddie." scott rolled his eyes in a jokeing manner. I completely forgot oli had a thing for Maddie. it sent shivers down my spine thinking about it. "why Maddie oli." I sighed. he laughed. but I wasn't finding it funny. my friend having a thing for my sister. no. whats eve worse is they've been hanging out lately, talking on the phone, meeting up, talking in the halls, ect. I think Maddie feels the same way for Oli. please no. I cant picture oli being my brother in law, uh. I should stop thinking about that. ihnjjvmfhufu. I wonder where joel is? "speaking of things! whats going on with you and Joel?" Oli giggled. I eye up Scott. in return he raised an eyebrow showing he was interested on the topic. great. "nothing realy, were friends." I started scrolling threw my feed.  "oh come on, we all know theres something there!" I kicked oli under the table. I didn't want leah to find out. he whined. scotts phone started ringing. "its yammy!"  scott answered the phone. "hey!" he said perkily to yammy. I could hear anything yammy said but I could make out "don't tell lizzie." whats going on. scots face changed form happy to worried in a heartbeat. scott left the table to talk to yammy more privet. I looked at oli. "what was that about?" I asked seeing if he had heared anything yammy said. "I heard something about leah and joel and a picture but that's all. my heart sank. what is leah and joel got together? I started getting tingils in my face. scott came over and sat back down. I heard the door open and I seen kiol and yammy come over. still no sign of joel. "whats up?" I ask scott. "oh nothing, its fine." he fidgeted with his fingers. yammy and kiol sit in their seats. "wheres callum?" oli asks trying to make small talk. "I don't think they came in." kiol says. them as in jess and callum. "why?" oli adds. "well we have no classes since half the teachers are gone so whats the point?" yammy answered. she hasn't looed at me. "but joel came in? he was on the bus. where is he?" I'm kinda angry. people don't seem to want to tell me. I'm so confused. "well, joel eh he, found something that hes not to well happy about." yammy muttered. bobby and lauren come in. "can we go somewhere that's not school, we don't have to stay here. lets go down town! I want a breakfast roll!" lauren and bobby join out table. "what about joel?" I ask as we all stand up. "ugh I just sat down!" lauren sighs. bobby helps her up. "you wanted a roll!" scott laughed. "what. about. joel?" I say louder. I refuse to move until I get an answer. I cross my arm like a child and stamp my left foot, turning my head away from the group. I hear my phone go off. them yammys, then laurens, then scotts, then olis, then bobbys, then kiol. scott is the first one to open the message. "oh dear!" he take my phone as well as olis. "hey I got a message! that could have been my mum! or Maddie!" I reach to get my phone back. "believe me lizzie. its not. I'm doing this to help you and oli."  scott puts his hand higher and higher. joel walks into the lunch hall. he looks out of it. "joel were going downtown, you coming?" lauren invites joel downtown. "sure." he gives me a look. not a good one either, whats up with him. I brush it off and walk downtown. we come across Maddie and joel sister in the hall. "hey you wanna come downtown?" lauren says to annoy me, joel and oli. Maddie and chloe agree and start walking with us. bobby and lauren walk together. yammy with kiol, Maddie with oli, ew. scot with chloe leaving me with joel. and I'm not complaining. "hey is everything okay with you, you don't seem too happy with me." I wait for his reply anxiously. I start getting sweaty palms. "its bad what you done to me but its worse to pretend you don't know." he says bluntly. "maybe leahs right after all." he adds. oh great, leahs involved. "what? joel I have no idea what your talking about!" I must admit I'm hurt that hes taking leahs side, a girl he met 3 days ago. over mine, a girl he met 2 years ago. I just don't get it. "I got the letter you set to yammy today, lizzie if you didn't want to be y friend then why play me on?" what? wha was joel talking about. "a letter? I never wrote yammy a letter! do you have it?" I say angry and confused. I can hear Maddie laughing. kiol and yammy were now walking with bobby, lauren, chloe and scott. it looks like Maddie and oli are really hitting it off. joel digs threw his pocket to find a crumpled piece for paper. it says


what do I do? joel is really annoying. he is a freak too. I don't like him one bit. ugh. hes better for leah. omg what do I do? tbh I kinda like oli... even tho hes gay. but when we kissed last summer my whole world was flipped upside down. write back!

lizzy xoxoxo

I stare at the letter for a while. " firstly I don't spell my name L-I-Z-Z-Y. I spell it L-I-Z-Z-I-E. secondly I don't wrote notes, I only did to you cause I didn't want your phone to go off in class. third, oli isn't gay. forth, I don't like oli, fifth, this isn't eve close to my handwriting. where did you ind this?" its so stupid joel would even think I wrote this, I feel so bad.  "in  my locker, I taught it was an accident seeing as yammys locker is beside mine." that's a fact I forgot about. "joel I didn't write this, I promise. I think youre an amazin person, I'm o thankful your in my life. ever since we started talking 2 years ago, ive kinda fell in love with you. I would never talk about you so poorly. I'm so sorry you even taugh I-" before I could finish my sentence, he kissed me. his lips felt warm. it was magical. I never wanted this to end. but unfortunaty laurens hunger got the best of her. "guys can we get a move on I'm starving." she dragged bobby by the hand. yammy and oli startd shout at lauren telling her she destroyed the moment. everyone else was laughing. besides Maddie and clhoe who were trying to contain here barf. we got to supervalue and odered some breakfast rolls. I got a coffee seeing as I wasn't hungry. we all sat outside for free wifi. but then me and oli had remembered that scott had stolen our phones. "scott may I please have my phone?" I ask nicely. scott is the type of person to say "I would have gave it back if you said please" so he cannot give out to me. "sure, whats your password?" he takes out my phone to try different codes. "ill put it in!" I say trying to trick him but I fail. he remembers he has his finger print saved on my phone so he tries that. then he gets into my phone. "yammy you do olis" scott says hand over olis phone to yam. oli is sneaky and gets his phone before yammy can even guess a digit in his passcode. "no oli, please don't!" yammy begs but he doesn't listen. scott hands me back my phone. he deleted the messages ive gotten earlier. oli drops his phone. "oh. my. god" he said taking a pause in between words. "what was the message?" I ask. he looks at me. very serious. "we were being stalked last summer by leah!" he says. I cant help but laugh. "no oi we weren't being stalked, leah and her gang were in the park that night. she must of taken a photo." yammy explains to oli. "why was she even looking?" oli comes up with ways to make leah seem like a creep making Maddie laugh at all his ideas. "oli we ligit screamed when you and lauren both said four, she heard us and seen what happened next." yammy laughs. its either olis way or the high way. "why would she even take a photo?" I'm guessing hes talking about the odd last summer. lauen odded oli to kiss me. and they both said four, it lasted two seconds and there was clearly no feeling. just a game for a bit of drama. "to blackmail oli. think, she hates us. she seen it as a perfect oppritunity. shes just evil and sly. we all know it was just for a game. youre fine." yammy tried her best to clear up the situation to oli.  me personally, I'm not worried. but I don't know what the text said tho so. "people have to see lizzies hair was purple, she dyed her hair purple ast summer so they know its not recent." joel adds to yammys statemet. "what?" Maddie joins in. "just don't tell mum or dad anything okay?" I slip her a pound. "deal!" she accepts the pound and goes back to eating her breakfast roll. that I bought her. its weird hanging out with your younger sister but I didn't mind. I knew she would be too bust with oli to even look at me. so I was safe. I don't mind chloe. she was nice to Maddie and they were friends so. if she was happy so was I. I guess? "i think i need a can of edge." oli left the table to buy some energy drink. "so Maddie, you and oli ey?" i dig at her. "shut up." she hands me back the pound i gave her two seconds ago. "nah, i know what your trying to do!" i hand her back the pound. "dammit" Maddie would often do that. i would pau her to keep her lip sealed then she would pay me to keep my lips sealed with the money i gave her, then she would tell mum and dad what ever ive doe and say to me that she gave me back the pound so the deal was off. ill give it to her, my 14 year old sister is smarter than me. "so you like him?" scott asks since i cant. if i rat her out shell rat me out. "kinda, but shut up. i really don't want anyone to know!" chloe laughed. "you told me." she smiled to herself. "yeah but your my friend, i trust you." that was kinda an awe moment until oli come back. he bought a can of edge and a pack of gum. he offered us all a piece but i declied. "so joel and lizzie, ey. jizzie?" oli put on his 'funny guy' voice. i wasn't laughing. "oli!" i kick him under the table. "what its true, you like him, he likes you" i kicked him again. he made an ow noise, i didn't feel bad tho. oops. we sit at the table for the rest of the day talking about drama and things. we keep making oli go and get some water so we have an excuce to hog the wifi. the day flies past until we decide to head home

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