Part/chapter 26 (idek)

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Lizzies POV

Holy crap. That can't be Joel's mum. No no no no. What if they get married!!! No! I'm sorry but me and Joel can't be step anything! This is going to ruin the relationship I have with Joel! Ugh. I need to tell dad that he can't date Sandra! "I didn't know your parents were divorced!" Yammy says. Joel looks down. "There not." There was an awkward pause. "I didn't know your mum worked here." Kiol says trying to make conversation. "I did. That's why I got confused when she said she had extra work after hours." My heart went out for Joel. He got up and left. "Joel!" I sprinted after him. "Joel wait!" I called out. He stopped. "I just." I shushed him by hugging him. "Joel I'm really sorry." I say. He tells me it's fine. But I know it's not. "Are you still going to your dads after school?" He asked. I nodded in response. "Unfortunately." There was another silence. "What are we going to do?" He asks. I look at him confused. We? "Lizzie I don't know if I've told you  or not but I really really like you, like a lot. What if they get married?" I had the same taught earlier. "I could tell my dad, I'm sure he would understand." I try to explain. "You can do what you want, sorry if I sounded rude. It's just. She told me she was out of town for a week! A week! Was she staying with your dad?" I feel so bad for Joel. "I could stay at yours with you if you'd like, I could call my dad." He nodded. "If you don't mind." He replied. I got out my phone and looked for m dads contact.

D: hey kiddo
L: don't
D: call you kiddo?
L: your lucky I'm even talking to you!
D: huh?
L: well you kinda fucked up my crushes family.
D: crush? Boy? Who? I'll kill him!
L: dad!
D: sorry sugar. What did I do?
L: don't call my anything but Lizzie. You're dating his mum, while she is still with his dad!
D: Lizzie.
L: don't! Just so you know you can ask Maddie to go to your house because I'm not
*hangs up*

"You're a pure savage." Joel laughs. I'm happy to see him happy. "I'm just." I say while making cat paws with my hands. He laughed even more. "So I'm your crush" Joel says making me blush bright red. "Well." I said dragging out the l. "It's okay Lizzie." Joel smiled. We made our way back to jammy and kiol. "I think we have to go back now, yous can stay if you'd like. We could expect to your teachers that yammy feels really sick?" Joel offered. "Thanks Joel." Yammy and kiol both replied. "Joel come here." Sandra called. Joel sighed. "Two seconds." He said and went behind the counter to talk to his mum. "Is he okay?" Kiol asked. "Well there's a lot going on at the moment." I reply. I don't wanna give to much information. He trusted me not to tell people. Joel can tell who he wishes. "Ugh just stay out of town! We're fine without you!" We heard Joel scream. He stormed out of the kitchen. "You coming?" He asked me. I nodded and followed saying bye to yammy and kiol on my way back. "Ugh I don't even wanna go back to school." Joel says. "Well we can go back for lunch and not go to class, we are signed out." He nodded and we go back to tell everyone we're not coming back for our last classes.

[time skip to the lunch hall. They told them there not going for there last classes]

"What about yammy and kiol?" Scott asks. Joel an I both look at each other. "Well, uh Kiol and yammy are sick?" Joel stuttered. "Why did you say that like it was a question?" Oli asks. "OLI! I need to talk to you let's go." I say dragging him out of the hall. "But my soup ahhhh." He screams. We walk out the lunch hall door. "Is this about your sis-" eh began to say but I cut him off. "Shhhh!" I say looking into the lunch hall. "Why are we shushing?" Oli whispered. It made me chuckle a bit, not a lot tho. My phone starts ringing and I see my dad is calling me. "Ugh, I'll get you another time." I walk up the hall and answer the phone.

L: what?
D: Elizabeth don't use that tone with me

L: what do you want

D: I heard the little conversation Sandra had with you, I'm sorry. I had no idea she was married.

I hung up the phone. How could you not know someone's married. This is bullshit. Joel finds me in the corridor and we leave the school. "Why is everything just so ugh now?" I ask. He walks a little closer to me. "It dosent have to be." Joel says putting his arm around me, of course making me blush. "Huh?" That really confused me. How could it not be? "Just block it out. My mum and you dad won't get married I can tell. He's not her type, really wish I didn't have to explain that my mum won't marry the guy she's cheating on my dad with." I looked at Joel. "You don't have to." I laugh. He smiled a bit. "Joel, this whole parent thing is going to mean nothing, I know she's your mum but there's no way I'm letter Sandra marry my dad." He nodded in agreement. We walked feather and tried to rap our heads around the world. "Why is it just so big?" He asks. "What?" "The world. I just can't get my head around it, it's just boom problems." I agreed. I've always felt like I could relate to Joel. He's just, you know. We pass the smoothie shop. "I'm never buying anything from there ever again." Joel said. I couldn't blame him. Seeing the smoothie shop reminded me of the fight Joel and Sandra had. "Joel?" I ask. He nods. "I taught both your parents were out of town, together? That's why I was able to stay over?" Joel's face went from not caring to very surprised. "Why didn't I think of that?" He digs in his pocket and pulls out his phone. "Dad, where are you?" He says into his phone. "With mum I presume yeah? She having a good time?" He waits for a reply. "Oh really?" He laughed. Then hung up. "Everything okay?" I ask. He laughed a bit more, but like a sarcastic laugh. "Well you see, my mum and dad are currently at a zoo! A zoo. A frickin zoo." I hugged him tight. "It's okay Joel, I'm here for you, do you think your dad knows?" I ask. He sighs. "I don't know maybe they got into a fight or something?" We walk to Joel's house, I try my best to get her mind off of it. We play video games for the night and Skype the group. We both end up sleeping on the couch. Joel fell asleep first. Man he's cute when he sleeps. I wake up t birds chirping outside. It's Wednesday.

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