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Your POV

I was sitting on my bed, looking at all the pictures in a book called 'The Gruffalo', when all of a sudden I heard a loud noise. Dad told me something once that had made me not like loud noises very much. He told me that one day, when Mummy was at work, someone had set off a bomb at her workplace, and she wasn't able to come back for a very long time. I didn't know what a bomb was, so Dad told me it was something that hurt people and made very loud noises. I've been scared of them since then. I was two then.

Peeking outside my bedroom door, I saw Dad laying down in some red stuff. A weird man in black was making fireworks go off on him. Dad seemed to be asleep. I tried to wake him up, but the bad man saw me. So I ran. And ran. And ran.

Soon, I couldn't see my house anymore. I was lost, and very scared. A big wall was in front of me. Oh poop. Was I going to go to sleep like Mummy and Dad? I didn't want to! I wanted to become a big girl/boy/other gender, and do big person things! The bad man was right in front of me, pointing the firework thingy at me. I started to cry. Then, another weird man came out of nowhere.

"Hello, there my good man! Can I ask why you are trying to end this little child's life on this fine afternoon?"

"Go away. I don't want to have to dispose of another witness, do I?"

"You won't need to. Get away from the child, or you're the one that ends up dead."

"Yeah ri-"


??? POV

Didn't he know? Wilford Warfstache don't take no **** from nobody.

I turned my attention to the child. They looked terrified.

"Don't worry kid, you're safe now. I'm not going to hurt you, the bad man's gone now."

They seemed to calm down.

"U-um, hello mister, my name is (Y/N). Who are you?"

"Hm? Oh! My name is Wilford Warfstache! Uh... Do you have anyone who can take care of you?"

They shook their head. Oh great.

"I guess you'll have to come me then, eh?" I sighed.

"Mhm!" They chirped.

I wonder how the rest of the Ipliers will react to (Y/N)...

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