I Don't Think We're The Camping Type...

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A/N: Wolfdaughter005 gave me this idea, so thank you!

"(Y/N)! Where are you?"
The day had gone to crap. What had started off as a fun camping trip had become a search for (Y/N).
"They're going to be in so much trouble when we find them..."
"Wilford. Can you please at least help?"
Wilford was taken aback. Dark hadn't been this polite since... Since he was Damien...
He sighed.
Darkiplier was, at this point, searching through bushes - something he'd never normally do. He was also pacing slightly, extremely stressed and feeling guilty. If he hadn't taken his eyes off the child there wouldn't be this problem!

He listened closely. Was that..?
A few yards away from him, (Y/N) was sat, head on their arms, crying. They had a scrape on their knee.
(Y/N) looked up, sniffing.
He rushed over to the child and hugged them tightly, then picked them up.
"Where were you?"
"Are you OK?"
"*sniff* The clearing and *sniff* yeah..."
They sat next to Dark and clung onto him for the rest of the day, even when everyone sat with s'mores...

Adopted By Ipliers - Ipliers x Child!Reader Where stories live. Discover now