Merry Christmas!

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A/N: Merry Christmas! It is currently 8:22AM for me, and I've been awake for three hours. Now, I know this doesn't look like much, but it's a month in the making. Hope you enjoy!

(Y/N)'s POV

As soon as I woke up, I was excited. I think you can guess why.
Christmas has always been my favourite time of year, and today I was having it with my new big family. I'd made everybody a present, and I had decided a plan of action.
Today was going to be perfect.

I was beginning to make my way down the hallway, but each step creaked slightly. I had to be careful if I was going to wake everyone in the order I wanted. Well, I say everyone, but chances are Mr. Dark stayed up again. Maybe he saw Santa!

Speaking of Mr. Dark, he was the one I would go to first. Because I wanted to be nice, I had waited until nine o' clock to start waking them up. I inched the door open and saw Mr. Dark sat up in his bed.
"Morning (Y/N). Let me guess: you want me to help you wake everyone else up?"
I nodded. He was really good at guessing!
"Well, let's go, then!"

The first room we went in was Mr. Google's. It surprised me to see that he slept standing up... Is it a robot thing? Mr. Dark woke him up and Mr. Google said good morning to us both. Next one!

Mr. Mark. He kinda looked like a starfish: his arms and legs were strewn about. It was really funny! In the end, my giggling woke him up...

Mr. Dere was next. He was cuddling a big sword, which kind of scared me. Mr. Mark told me that Mr. Dere wouldn't hurt me as long as I stayed away from his Senpai. But doesn't that mean Senior..?

The next one was Dr. Iplier's. When he woke up, he asked me if I'd got my dressing gown on. I didn't, so he got me to put it on. I guess he wanted to make sure I was healthy as possible...

Surprisingly, Chef Iplier didn't want to get up. He was starting to get on Mr. Dark's nerves.
"Chef, get up."
"You can make the Christmas dinner..."
I've now found out that bribery is the best way to wake a chef up. Or anyone for that matter.

Eventually, we had everybody up. Except for Mr. Wilford. I specifically mentioned to Mr. Dark to let me wake him up last. So that's what I went to do.

"Mr. Wilford? Mr. Wilford, wake up please!"
He opened his eyes and flopped onto his side.
"Huh? Oh, hey there, (Y/N). What time is it?"
"9:15am. We're just waiting for you to wake up. It's Christmas!"
He shot out of his bed. For some reason he was already dressed...

...I didn't want to ask.

Outside the window, snow cascaded to the ground. We were all sat in the living room - which was full of presents - waiting for Chef to bring in the drinks. I wanted to go and help him but I was... Stuck. I had wedged myself between some presents and Chica had flopped onto my lap. There was no way I'd be getting up in a hurry.

Chef walked in with hot chocolate for everyone. As he gave me mine, I thanked him and went back to petting the puppy. I was more careful since I had a hot drink near me.

Looking up, I realised Mr. Google was sat beside me. Over the past few weeks he's been showing more and more humane traits. He smiled at me and said "Merry Christmas, (Y/N)!"
I hugged him.
"Merry Christmas, Mr. Google! Merry Christmas, everyone!"

It was present time.

For some reason, they wanted me to open a present first. I grabbed the nearest box to me and read the label.
"To (Y/N), love from Markiplier."

I ripped the paper open to reveal a small plushie. It was a box with blue eyes, a smiley face and arms.
"He's called Tiny Box Tim!"
"Aww! He's so cute! Thank you so much, Mr. Mark!"
"You're welcome, kiddo."

This charade want on for about half an hour. In the end, I had a present from everyone, including a water gun from Mr. MonsterGulchIplier, a cookbook from the Chef and a toy stethoscope from Dr. Iplier.

I hugged everyone before realising that not everyone had given me their present.
"Hey, Mr. Wilford..."
"You got me, kid!"
He led me to the window. What I saw made me squeal with excitement.
"A bike! Oh my gosh, a bike!"
"Like it?"
I buried my face in his chest. I guess it was time for his first present from me.

"Thank you! I love it! Thank you, Dad!"
Wilford (or Dad, now) froze. I looked up. He was smiling. But he had tears in his eyes? Did I upset him?!
"Are- are you ok?"
"I didn't think it would be possible for me to love you as much as I do right now, kiddo. (Y/N), did you plan this?"
I nodded.
"Well,*sniff*, amazing plan! You just made my year."
"Let's get on with your presents then, Wil."

Some hours later, we were ready to have the massive Christmas dinner. Do you know the Harry Potter books and films? The table reminded me of one of the feasts. It could've been due to my height, but the amounts of food seemed endless. Chef had been in the kitchen for ages, spoons, pans and plates as his weapons. All his work was definitely not in vain.

The meal itself was amazing. The starter was (Favourite Starter), and the turkey was really, really good!
The pudding was chocolate fudge cake.

At the end, Dad, Dark, Google and Mark helped me bring my presents up into my room. Oh, also, Mark said that he was gonna paint my room (Fav Colour) soon as well! I... I'm really glad that I'm a part of the Iplier family. They know that, and I'm glad they do.

I know I'm talking a bit grown up. I know that. But who cares? Not this little bean!

The once-cream-coloured wall was a dark, dark blue. Almost black, in fact. It was 11PM. Everyone - except me and Dark - were asleep. My eyelids were getting heavier, and I recounted the day.

I had woken up at nine and woke up everyone in a specific order. Chef had made hot chocolate and we all opened our presents. I called Wilford 'Dad' for the first time ever. We had Christmas dinner. My presents were moved into my room. And now I was finally asleep. What a day, eh?

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