Upset? Have a (Y/N) hug!

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It is said that Darkiplier has no feelings. He is a social manipulator who only uses people, and then breaks their mentality in a devastating way.
But it's not true.
He personally hated the label. He despised it. But he still used it so he wouldn't be seen as a weakling. After all, what kind of doppelganger is kind?

Darkiplier was feeling...down. He'd realised that (Y/N) was beginning to avoid him, and he immediately began to think of what he might have done. Sure, he had hated them when they first arrived, and sure, he yelled at their face when they arrived... God, it didn't look good for him.

As he flopped down on the sofa/couch and began flicking through the channels on the TV, (Y/N) walking into the room. The two made eye contact for a millisecond. That was enough for (Y/N) to realise something was up.

"What... What's the matter, Mr. Dark?"

He fixed his tie and didn't take his eyes off the screen.

"Mr. Dark?"

He tried to block out their voice.


(Y/N) had had enough of the silent treatment. And yes, despite being four, they knew what that was. They walked up to Dark and stood in front of him. They then went on their tiptoes and tried their best to hug the so-called 'evil' version of Markiplier. That's when he finally cracked. He reached down to the child and sat them next to him. He then gave them a massive hug.

"Hey, Mr. Dark?"


"Can I watch Pingu?"

"Sure, (Y/N)."

Adopted By Ipliers - Ipliers x Child!Reader Where stories live. Discover now