It's A Happy Halloween!

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Wilford's POV
As (Y/N) ran excitedly around the living room, I made the finishing touches to their zombie outfit. Dark had given me an old ripped shirt, and Dere had handed some bloody rags to me a few days ago. I knew where they had come from. In the kitchen, I could hear Google gently scolding the little monster for trying to pinch sweets from the bowl. And done!
"(Y/N), come in here! It's ready to put on!"
Let me tell you, I'd never seen them sprint as fast. After a couple of minutes of fiddling with seams and face paint, Mark put a mirror in front of the child's face. Their eyes lit up.
"Mr Wilford, Mr Wilford! I look super scary! Yay!"
I could tell that almost everyone was suppressing an 'aww'. Google nudged (Y/N) and told them that they were missing something.
"Oh yeah, thankyousomuchandcanwegotrick-or-treatingnowplease?"
"Trick or treat!"
As (Y/N) weaved in and out of the driveways, I smiled, taking in how happy the child was. I was astounded at how they'd grown in the last few weeks, and as they shouted excitedly about their sweets they now had I realised it was about time for them to get home. If they had too many sweets they would be a nightmare to tuck in. Ah well. They could have some more fun. As long as they got to bed before ten.

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