A New Friend

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3rd person PoV
"Bye-bye, Mr. Wilford! Bye-bye, Mr. Dark!"
As two of their carers drove away, (Y/N) looked up at the school gates with determination. They still didn't have any friends, and it was November. The time had come to go on a friend hunt.
As they walked into the playground, they saw little groups of friends playing tag and getting chased. That was a couple of seconds before they bumped into a small girl. She looked mortified as she helped (Y/N) up and said sorry about a million times before introducing herself.
"Oh! I, uh, didn't mention what my name is, did I? Sorry... Anyway, my name is Georgie Linacre... What's yours?"
In the back of their mind, (Y/N) realised something. This could be their new best friend!
"I'm (Y/N)." They smiled.

The bell to signify class time rang. Everyone excitedly ran inside (They're 4/5, they don't know the horrors of real school yet) and sat cross-legged on the carpet.
"Good morning, children!"
"Good morning, Miss Sawyer!"
After register, Miss Sawyer revealed that everyone would be doing finger painting in the afternoon, and that first they would all draw a picture of their family. Miss Sawyer then spent half an hour complimenting what was effectively 30 lots of a family of blobs with hairdryer heads. Amazing.

"OK, everyone, lunchtime!"
Thirty children cheered as they rushed to either unpack their lunches or line up in the queue for Shepard's pie. (Y/N) saw Georgie sitting alone and took their lunchbox with them to sit with her. Friendship time.
"Huh? Oh, hi (Y/N)! Do you want to sit with me?"
They nodded as they took a seat. After an hour of talking about their favourite things, Miss Sawyer called everyone to sit back down.
*Timeskip brought to you by rubbish references*
"Goodbye, Miss Sawyer!"
"Yes, see you tomorrow children!"
After saying a quick goodbye to Georgie, (Y/N) ran to the school gates, excited to tell the rest of her family about their new friend. As the car pulled up, Google got out and beckoned the child to get in. Driving back, Google asked them "(Y/N), did you have a good day at school?"
"Yeah! We did pictures and finger painting and I made a new friend! She's called Georgie!"
Google smiled to himself. Finally, Wilford and Mark would stop worrying quite so much about bullies.
"We're home!"

A/N: Comment references you'd like me to make! I can surely include them in later chapters! Until then, buh-bye!

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