Chapter 3

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"Hey! Tell me all the details!" Hannah said as she cling on me as we walked towards the school gate.

"There's nothing to tell you actually.. I didn't give him a tour." I stated.

"What? Why not?" Hannah asked as she glared at you. "You missed your chance to hangout with him!"

"Because he didn't want it." I said and walked past her.

I went straight to my locker and grabbed the books I needed for my class.

"That's too bad! By the way, why are you in such a bad mood?" Hannah asked as she finally caught up to me and opened her locker as well.

"That's because someone moved in next door." I sighed. "Guess who moved in."

"Ummm... Byun Baekhyun? Ummm... I don't know, Zac Efron? Ummm... maybe Obama?"

"That guy." I said and pointed at the blonde hair dude across the hallway.

"L.Joe?!?" Hannah's eyes widened and slap me in the arm. "Yah! You're so lucky!"

"Why is that lucky? The last thing I want to see everyday is him." I said. "Do you like him? Then why don't you go try to talk to him?"

"What? Me? Like him? Of course not! Did you forget that I don't like those gay dudes who have weird hairstyles and dark eyeliner?"

"I'm not going to pick up a fight even though you just insulted my husbands." I gave her a look. "Who knows? You keep on talking about him, so I kind of thought that maybe you like him.." I told her.

"Gosh Stacy, don't be ridiculous!" Hannah chuckled.

L.Joe passed right in front of us and gave me a glare as he went.

Did he heard our conversation? Was he eavesdropping? Oh, who cares if he was.

I sighed at thought of meeting him again in math class. Oh, how I hate math class, first of all it's because of Mr. Pua, then him and then there's math itself.

"Good luck on your math exam! By the way, you should talk to him!" Hannah said and waved at me as she went to her class.

Wait. What? What math exam is she talking about? We have an exam?

"So, how was your exam?" Hannah said as we were changing into our PE clothes in the locker room.

"Oh, I pretty much aced it! I didn't even studied last night cause no one told me that there would be an exam." I said sarcastically.

"Wait, you didn't know? Mr. Pua posted it online yesterday! He said that he'll be moving the test today rather than on Friday." Hannah said.

"Well. Nobody even bothered texting me. Oh especially my best friend, who knows that my wifi machine broke two days ago and it hasn't been fixed yet." I stated and grabbed my water bottle out from my gym bag.

"Oh my gosh! I totally forgot! I'm so sorry Stacy! It totally slipped out of my mind! I'm so sorry!" Hannah apologized as she hit her head.

"It's okay. I guess I'll just have to ace the next three quizzes to pass that freaking subject." I sighed and walked out of the locker room.

"I'll help you! I mean, I'll be your tutor then!" Hannah said as she quickly followed.

"Hannah, how are you supposed to tutor me when your grades are not even that high?" I told her.

Of course Hannah can't tutor me, she's already busy with her part-time job and her grades aren't that high either. If she spends her time tutoring me, her grades will drop.

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