Chapter 6

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I wasn't really bothered on getting a F on my bonus exam, okay whatever, homework. That thing that was bothering me at the moment was why did HE helped me. I mean, we're not even on good terms. We're not even friends, more on enemies, I think. Yeah, enemies it is.

"What's up with that bothered look?" Hannah waved her spoon at me.

"Oh." Finally snapping out of my thoughts. "What was that?"

"You okay? You've been staring at your food for about ten minutes now." Hannah said as she looked at her friend worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said as I started eating my carbonara.

"You sure? Cause I bet something's bothering you. And don't tell me it's just because you lack sleep. I know you too well Stacy."

I pouted as I looked at her.

"What is it?" She urged.

"It's L.Joe." I mumbled as I turned to look at her. She gave me the look to continue on and I did. I told her about yesterday and what happened at Mr. Pua's class earlier. "I thought he gave me the wrong answers. I never thought that he would actually give me the right answers. And how am I supposed to believe that what he wrote there was right when he doesn't even listen and copy notes in class." I said and looked at Hannah who was silent at the moment.

"From what I see, I think he doesn't hate you." Hannah muttered. "I guess he was just trying to help you."

"And why would he help me?" I asked.

"There's no reason to why he shouldn't help you." Hannah said as she ate her salad. "He just wanted to help, there's nothing wrong with that is there?"

Even though Hannah said it like that, it still bothered the heck out of me.

Just then as I was eating my lunch, Hannah grabbed my hand and I looked at her with an annoyed face. She was grinning widely at me that it gave me a weird feeling.

"Stacy! I got a nice, no I mean, brilliant idea!" She was smiling from ear to ear that I was starting to hate this brilliant idea of hers, even though I don't have any idea what it's about.

"What is it?" I asked.

She quickly held my hand and started moving them up and down, "Ask L.Joe to tutor you!"

I quickly let go of her hand, "Are you crazy? That's your brilliant idea? No way. I'm not going to ask him to tutor me okay?"

"But it's the only way for you to pass, you know? And besides learning, maybe you'll get your romance as well." She grinned widely.

"Gosh Hannah, I don't want to start my romance with him, I swear. Oh and I'd rather fail than ask him to tutor me." I said and went back on eating my food.

"Why don't you want him to tutor you? I mean, you seem to really hate the idea.. Why?"

"First of all, I don't seem to know why it has to be him that has to teach me. I mean, I could just ask one of the math geeks to tutor me. Why him out of all people?" I asked back.

"My question is why not him? Why do you need a math geek to teach you when there's a handsome Korean guy to teach you? Oh and you guys pretty much live next to each other which makes it comfortable. And you guys seem to be close."

"As you can see, we are pretty much not in good terms as I told you a little while ago.."

"But from the incident earlier, I don't think you aren't." Hannah pushed. "Wait, don't tell me.. you've fallen for him?"

"Of course not, gosh Hannah would you please go on to your class now? You're going to be late if you don't hurry up, especially you still haven't done your homework." I reminded.

Her eyes widened, "Oh right! Almost forgot about that! What about you?"

"You can go on first, I'll just finish this and I'll be on my way." I smiled at her and shooed her away.

She gave me an apologetic look as I just smiled at her and waved at her. I continued eating my lunch when I could feel someone staring the heck out of me.

I turned around and caught L.Joe staring at me, what does he want? Don't tell me he has been listening to our conversation.. Crap. I bet he is going to think that I have a huge crush on him. Oh gawd no.

Since I couldn't get it off my head, I decided to confront him about it. I got up from the couch and head outside. I knocked on his door and waited for him to answer it.

L.Joe opened the door, he was drying his hair with a towel and he was only wearing a white beater shirt and some joggings pants. And I couldn't help but think on how hot he looked right now. Okay. What did I just say. I need to get a slap.

"What is it?" He asked his voice a little bit annoyed.

"I have a question, why did you solved my homework?" I asked as I put my hands on my waist.

"You came here in the middle of the night just to ask me that?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Let me just rephrase your question before I answer that, why are you standing there looking so hot?" He playfully grinned at me, as if he had read my mind.

This dude is so full of himself. I swear I would have kicked him if he hadn't looked that hot right now. Oh god Stacy get a hold of yourself.

"Just answer the fcking question okay? Why did you help me?"

"Who said anything about helping you? I did that so that you'll get caught. I knew that you would be too lazy to answer it again anyway so I was betting that you would pass it as it is. And lucky for me, you did." He smirked at me.

"Seriously? You did that so that I could flunk my exam? I actually answered them last night but lucky for you, I passed the wrong paper." I said and glared at him.

"Are you done? Cause I have something more important to do than answer some lame question." He asked as he looked at me boringly.

As I was just about to say something, he cut me off, "I'm taking that as a yes." He said and closed the door right in front of my face.

Forget about him being hot. That bastard is seriously rude and I swear, I would never ever get my hopes up that he's nice.

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Hello! Sorry it took me a while to update because I have term papers I need to pass but rest assured, I already finished them! Yay! Hopefully you liked the chapter! Do comment cause comments are loved! :"> I'll update again soon~ So please do wait for it!

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