Chapter 5

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"Ugh!! How do you freaking answer this question?!?" I cried out in frustration.

I once again tried solving the problem, I tapped my pencil on my paper and looked at the question. I read the question over again and tried to solve it, but the answer was never right.

"Aish! Jinja! I give up!" I shouted and jumped on my bed to rest. "Why does Mr. Pua give such hard questions? Aren't bonus questions supposed to be easy? How am I suppose to earn bonus points when he gives questions like these? Ugh, he is totally torturing me."

I fished for my iPod around the bed and plugged it into the stereo. I played 2ne1's song called 'I Don't Care' I grabbed my hair brush and then started singing and dancing along while using the brush as my microphone.

That's right. After five hours of trying to solve this math problem, I've gone crazy.

But then my happy time was disturbed by the continuous ringing of the doorbell. I went out of my room and then a furious knocking on the door was replaced. I head towards the door angrily and breathed out as I opened the door with a smile plastered on my face. But then that smile was quickly turned into a frown as I saw that certain someone standing on my doorway.

"What do you want?" I asked as I gave him an annoying look.

"I don't want anything from you actually. But then, your music is just way too loud that it disturbed my beauty sleep." He said in an annoyed tone.

"Never heard of  boys who think about their skin too much." I rolled my eyes at him.

"It's because their not handsome that is why there's no need for them to take care of it when there's nothing to take care of in the first place."

"Whatever. I'll tone it down. Now, get lost."

"Wouldn't want your boy to look ugly now don't you?" L.Joe smirked.

"I'm not in the mood to argue with you right now, so can't you please just go away?" I stated as I use my hand to gesture for him to leave.

"The more you want me to leave the more I want to stay." L.Joe smirked as he inserted his foot when I closed the door.

"I'm serious, I'm not in the mood." I stated and just finally decided to head back to my room.

I sighed as I went inside my room, I shut my iPod and finally laid down on my bed.

I opened my eyes and realized that it was already evening. I quickly sat up and looked for my phone, I looked at my phone and it was already nine in the evening.

Oh crap! I haven't done my homework for math.

I quickly went to my study table and opened my math textbook. My eyes widened as I saw answers on my book. When did I answer these? I didn't answer these earlier. I flipped through the next page and also found answers written on it. I found a post-it stuck on my reading lamp,

Hey there sleepy head! Was this your problem a while ago? I answered them already when you were sleeping. Oh, and don't worry, I didn't do anything to you. Yet. *wink wink*

~Your one and only handsome boy.

I read the note again one last time. Wait. He went into my room without even asking for permission?!? That- Ugh. I don't even know if I should be thankful or what.

Oh and why would he even answer my homework for me? We're not even on good terms. I bet he answered them wrongly to flunk me. And how would he know this lesson? He's not even listening in class. Aish! I'm about to loose my mind.

I started re-answering the problems in my math textbook. Time passed by and it was already two in the morning when I finished my math homework. I compared my answers to his answers and I scoffed.

"Ha! I knew it, he was trying to fail me on purpose. Our answers aren't even similar."

I put my things inside my bag and head to bed. But then, what if his answers are right? And he is trying to help me?

I shook my head. Nah, I don't think so. We're not even friends. Not even close to that. And he's not the type on helping people.


"Oh my, are you okay Stacy? You look like a zombie." Hannah said as soon as she saw me making my way towards my classroom.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." I said reassuringly.

"What happened?" Hannah asked again as she followed me inside the classroom.

"Ah, I was doing my homework until three. That's all." I yawned as I reached my seat.

"You could've just asked me to help you," Hannah sighed as she looked at me as I rested my head on the table.

"Ah, I didn't really want to bother you. Don't you guys have a popquiz? Shouldn't you be studying?" I asked her.

"Oh right, we do! I'm sorry Stacy, I gotta go and study." Hannah apologized as she left.

I yawned and at the corner of my eyes, I saw that Mr. Big Ego is making his way towards his seat. I just continued resting my head on the table and shut my eyes closed.

I could feel a pair of eyes staring at me and I quickly took a peek. L.Joe was looking at me with questioning eyes, but before I could even open my eyes fully, he turned away.

"Good morning class!" Mr. Pua greeted as he laughed. "Pass your homework forward, wouldn't want you guys to last minute copying from your fellow classmates."

I stretched my arms and reached for my backpack, I took out my math book and passed my homework without even bothering to check. I looked at my watch, it wasn't even time yet. This crazy grandpa sure is smart! Arriving early in class so that we won't get to copy. Good thing I did my homework last night.

As I spacing out in my seat, I could feel Mr. Pua glancing at me with a questioning look. I stared back at him as he graded the homeworks that was passed to him. He kept glancing at me then down at my paper.

"Stacy Choi, I must say that you were pretty good in solving this homework." He called out. "A perfect score."

I went towards in front of the class to get my paper and Mr. Pua grinned at me as he handed me my paper.

"Making someone do your homework is a lame trick, thought I wouldn't know that you weren't the one who wrote this? You should have gave more effort and just wrote it on your own instead." Mr. Pua said. "That's why you got an F."

"What? I solved this homework last night. Can't you see? I stayed up all night just for this sir. And you think I made someone do it?" I told him but he just ignored me and made me sat back down on my seat.

I groaned as I went back to my seat, How can I get a freaking F? I stayed up last night just for this shitty thing.

I looked at my paper, which was marked with a big fat F in the side, I noticed that it wasn't my paper, it was the paper that L.Joe solved.

So he was really trying to help me? But I thought he hates me? Then why did he helped me? I turned to my side and looked at L.Joe, who was busy typing something on his phone.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at him. Why did you helped me?

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Hello! Sorry for not updating for so long! Hoping that you like this chapter, it took me a week to finish this haha. *writer's block huhu* Anyway, comments are loved, okay? So comment! Hehe! And if you think this story is great, a vote would be nice :) I'll update again when I have the time~ ^3^

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