Chapter 13

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"Hey Stacy!" Someone grabbed me by the arm and turned me around. I snapped out of my daze and finally found myself staring right into his eyes which was full of worry, I couldn't utter a word for a moment since I felt his other arm was tightly wrapped around my waist. "Are you okay?"

"Hmm..?" I finally managed.

"You almost got yourself hit, what were you thinking about that got you so distracted to your surroundings?" He asked, the worry lines on his forehead still not vanishing.

"Me?" I looked around and saw that I was on the other side of the street already. "I don't remember crossing the street.."

"I was calling your name for about five times already but you didn't seem to hear. But are you okay? Did you get hurt or anything?"

"I'm fine. I'm fine." I told him and looked down to his arm. He seemed to notice where I was looking at and finally realized that he was still holding onto me so he let go.

The awkward silence came in after that, I let out a breath and finally started, "Ummm.. Mark.. about the other day.. I'm sorry for leaving you at the cafe.. I was just.."

"No, it's totally fine. Is that what you were thinking about so much a while ago? On how you should talk and apologize to me?" He chuckled cutely, making me want to pinch his cheeks and hug him.

"Yeaaah.." I said and bit my bottom lip. "Sorry for not apologizing to you after our date.."

"I told you, it's okay. God you're so cute." He said in his all cutesy voice and started pinching my cheeks.

"Yah! Stop that! You know how much I hate it when you pinch my cheeks." I said as I jokingly slapped his hand away.

"I know and I just want to annoy you so that we're all good." He said, flashing his adorable smile. "I think we've been standing here for too long, other people are starting to look at us so I think we should go?"

"Yeah we should." I said and walked next to him to school. "Oh and Mark.. I just want you to know that L.Joe and I aren't dating or in some kind of relationship.. We're just neighbors, that's all."

"Ummm hmmm.." He said in mocking tone as he nodded his head, he didn't seem to believe what I said since he made a face at me.

"It's true. I don't even like him. And plus," I stopped for a moment, thinking if I should confess my feelings for him already. I gathered all my courage that I have and let out a shaky breath as I started. "You see.. the guy that I like is y-"

"Hey, why so serious? I was kidding! Course I believe you! I was just teasing you cause you looked so cute when you're all confused lol." He chuckled, his unique laugh that I adore so much spread through my ears like music.

The two of us walked beside each other comfortably, me making jokes and he would laugh wholeheartedly at each one of them even though I knew it wasn't that funny. As when we reached school, I bid Mark goodbye since our classrooms were from opposite sides but he insisted on walking me to my classroom. His excuse was that he wants to go exercise so that he wouldn't sleeping later at class.

I wondered how he could ace his exams when all he does in class is sleep or either listen to music with his earphones. But then again, L.Joe is also like him, sleeping in class, not paying attention and just zoning out but still manages to get good grades. Me, on the other hand, already listening attentively in class yet still flunking most of my exams. They must be some sort of new technology based robots.

"Goodbye Mark." I said as I turned around to stop him before he could even step a foot inside my classroom.


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