Chapter 7

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"Stacy! Stacy!" Hannah shouted as she was busily making her way over to me. "I've got good news for you!"

"What is it?" I asked her as I put my things inside my locker and grabbed my bag for my change of clothes.

"Oh do you guys have practice today?" She asked as I closed my locker and carried my bag.

"Yeah, since our performance is just a month away, we really need to practice hard." I told her.

"Ooooh.. I can't wait to see you guys dance! I'm so excited! Anyway, about the good news! I have finally found you a tutor!!" She told me as she clapped her hands excitedly.

"If you are talking about him then forget about it." I said and rolled my eyes as I remembered what happened the other night.

"Him? Oh you mean L.Joe? Course not silly! Why? Do you want me to ask him to tutor you?" She chuckled as she saw the look I gave her when she said that.

"Meet up with him after your dance practice okay? He said that he'll stop by there later, around 4 pm." She grinned widely at me, which kinda creeped me out. "I bet you are going to like him!"

"Uhhhh.. yeah right. I bet that the guy that you chose is someone who's wearing thick-framed glasses and all he cares about is his grades and some loser or should I say nerdy experiments." I rolled my eyes.

"You'll see." She chuckled. "Anyway, see you later! I got a science club meeting to attend to."

"I bet she got that guy from the science club." I sighed and headed down the hallway to the practice room.

"Umm, hi. My name is Minah, Bang Minah. I'm also a Korean like you but I'm a year lower.. I would just like to say that.. ummm.. I like you oppa."

I looked to where the source of the voice was and found L.Joe with a girl. The girl named Minah was nervously biting her lower lip. While L.Joe was just staring at her with his hands on his pockets.

Gosh, he has only been starting on this school for a month and he already has a confession?

"Miahn. But I'm not into dating right now and you're just not my type. You should take a look at yourself first, didn't you paid for that for plastic surgery?" He said and turned to leave. As he was walking, he glanced up and caught me looking at him. He just continued to stare at me as he walked pass me. He must have had a lot of confessions before that he isn't even bothered.

As I was just about to leave, I saw Minah crying as she turned away. He could have said it in a nice way. That jerk.

"Will be going first then Stacy." My friends said as they took their bags and waved at me.

I stopped dancing and turned to them with a smile. "Yeah, see you guys tomorrow."

"Don't overwork yourself okay?"

"Yep, I won't. I'll just finish this routine." I smiled and they all left.

I continued to dance the routine but I can't seem to perfect it. I tried again and again.

I like dancing. All my worries and stress disappear when I'm dancing. Like nothing else matters in the world. Nothing can distract me from dancing.

Just then, someone knocked on the practice room door and I quickly stopped what I'm doing and turned to the door. Standing there was a guy I've never seen before, his hair was a bright shade of red and fairly attractive face that would be totally hard to miss. He was leaning on the door and gave me a smile when I stared at him. I couldn't help but think how mesmerizing his smile is.

"Ummm.. can I help you?" I asked, I think it sounded kinda rude but then again, why would he interrupt someone who's practicing right? I really hate it when people are bothering me when I'm dancing, even though that guy is really handsome he wouldn't be an exception. But then I kind of cursed myself for being rude though cause that guy is seriously handsome and maybe.. just maybe, my type.

"Oh, um, I'm sorry if I'm bothering you but uhh.. didn't Hannah mentioned about me?" He asked while rubbing the back of his neck.

Hannah? Wait. Don't tell me... he's my tutor? My eyes widened. That guy is definitely not from the science club nor a member of the mathletes.

"Hannah? Oh, so are you by chance.. my tutor?" I asked.

"Yeah I guess so." He chuckled, which is adorable by the way.

"Ah, I'm so sorry for being rude to you a while ago.. I was just-"

"It's okay. I was the one who bothered you while you were dancing anyway. Oh and you're very good at dancing." He said with a smile. "Oh, I'm Mark by the way. Mark Tuan."

"I'm Stacy." I smiled back at him.

"I know." He smiled. "So, um what time are you going to finish practicing? I was thinking we could grab a bite since I think you're probably hungry after all that dancing."

Awwwww sweet and caring. I like that.

"Oh I'm already done, let me just change my clothes and we could go." I said trying to bit down the huge smile that was coming to my face.

He nodded his head and sat down on one of the couch in the practice room. I grabbed my bag and went to one of the dressing rooms.

We went to a nearby coffee shop to grab a drink and bought some snacks. We were just sitting there quietly, not talking to each other. I stole a quicky glance at him while I was sipping my frappe. He was also drinking his iced coffee and then glanced up at me causing me to quickly look down at my drink. We were just silent the whole time and it was already getting late.

"It's already late, I'll walk you home." He finally said with a smile.

"No need to, I can walk home on my own, it's not that far anyways." I told him.

"But it's dangerous for a girl walking home alone at night." He said.

"It's okay really, I'm always going home by myself around this time and it's not that late yet." I smiled at him reassuringly.

"As a guy, I should take the girl home because something dangerous might happen to her.." He insisted.

I finally agreed to let him walk me home but the thing is that, we were both so quiet while walking that it was so awkward. I don't if he doesn't really have something to say or he's just shy. But then again, boys shouldn't be shy right? He doesn't look like one anyway.

We finally reached my doorstep and I turned to look at him, "Thanks Mark... for walking me home and for agreeing to tutor me." I awkwardly smiled.

"Uh yeah, no problem." He awkwardly smiled back as he rubbed the back of his next. "See you tomorrow then?"

I nodded as I gave him a small smile, he then waved goodbye and started walking away.

Well, he seem nice. As I was just about to open my door, I gave a quick glance to the door next to mine. No actually. Even better.

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Omg! Hello! Sorry it took a while for me to update again.. because I had a lot of things going on.. But then, at least I updated because I had the free time! >< There's a new character... and it's Mark Tuan of GOT7! Do anticipate for his character in the story cause I already planned something kekeke. Anyway, hope you like this chapter! Do comment cause comments are loved! :") Will update again soon~

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