Disaster and Heaven

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"Ugh" i woke up in so much pain.

My eyes don't even had a chance to adjust my vision.

Its blurry for a minute but its getting back tp normal once i fully get up.

The fuck?

3.00 AM??

You gotta be kidding me

I run to the bathroom not sure what am i gonna do but my stomach hurt so bad. Is it a poo or anything else?
My dad is a doctor but there is no way im going to contact him. I gotta google it my self.

Hm.. im not sure tho
Maybe something is wrong with my digestive organs since im having a bad eating schedule past few days.

"Baby are you okay?" Anthony rushed the bathroom door open and checkingup on me with his sleepy ass face. His eyes barely opens. But he smiles as always. "Im okay.." i hide my grunts and act to walk normally back to bed. "No. You're not okay" He looks deep into my eyes. "We'll check it up once you got some enough sleep okay?" He smiles and help me out to fall asleep. He closes his eyes. But im still fully awake. "Baby you can sleep the pain away right?" He asks me with both eyes closed making me a half freak out internally. "Yeah sure im strong enough" he smiles at my response and i finally fallen asleep.

The next morning.....

"A... An.. Anth"
"Yes baby im here. Whats wrong?"
"It hurt.. s.. so bad.."
"Sit down baby, drink this. It'll smoothen your digestion"

He help me to sit down leaning to his chest and take the pills. "Digestive issues huh? how did you know it?" I ask giving him a peck on his lips and he smiles. "I called your dad and he asks me to buy these for you" he kiss my bare shoulder. "I had no medical experiences to do anything, so.." he frowned.

"Hey, thankyou okay. Why would you be sad?" I kiss him on the lip and wrapping my arm around his neck. "You.. hate him.. and I.. okay" he smiles wrapping his hands gently to my wrist. He's an absolute angel and he is the death of me.
"At the end of the day, he's still my dad right?" I stand on my knees hugging his head burying it to my chest and he smiles.

"I'll bring the breakfast. Baby you stay here okay?" He kiss my forehead before he leaves me alone.

••••Anthony's POV••••
She looks beyond hungry. Better there's something to cook. I walk downstairs and seeing Chance is already up this early. "Sup bro?" I tap his shoulder but he doesn't respond. Not even looks at me. "Here. She's sick. You better take care of her" His smartass mouth tense up my anger while handing me a gorgeous pancake to me. "Thanks" im just not really in mood for some fist. Then i walk away from her "Anthony" "what"
"Im.. im sorry i don't mean to offend you. I just.... its hard you know"
Then his voice soften and about to crack. I've known this guy since day one and i know he trully cares about Z. But i guess he's not trying to be mean at this point. "Its alright bro. Thanks for the pancake tho. I'll tell her you cook for her"

"No no.. she'll disappointed of you"
"No its fine"

I feel bad for him

I mean, he does care about Tessa too but all this time, everything was about Z. Its always been like that

Then i walk upstairs making my way back to my room and open the door

"Hi baby" she smiles at me sitting still
"Chance made it for you" i smile and surprisingly she's okay with it.
"Thankyou for both of you"

••••Back To Z's POV••••
We talk about many things and oh god i can't describe how much i love him. The ring wasn't the proposal ring to be honest, it was the promise ring actually. He was too excited and he was actually asking me to be his wife. But since its a big deal and a big responsibility, i wasn't ready physically and mentally. So we decided to keep the promise and that day will come soon. I don't really care tho, all i know is he is totally mine now and thats all that matter.

"I think im gonna pack now" im trying my best to get out from the bed and start to be productive. "Tomorrow will be super lit baby" he cheers up and jumping on his bed like a lil kid. I bring my super casual stuff cause im not girlie at all and being super girlie is not my best talent. Gather all my makeup and bring my all white vans with me. "You guys will slay the whole stage" i smile and he hugs me like there is no tomorrow.

"We... we'll slay the whole stage baby girl" he kiss my neck "stop please not now" i chuckle making him tease me even more. "Okay i'll do it later" he winks and help me out to pack more stuff.

Then we gather downstairs catching up with everyone and having a small
brieving for tomorrow schedules and discussing about a lot of stuff. Nathan hand me a heavy ass pro cam to record the whole stage. "Nathan you gotta be joking" i shake my head "Nope, this bad boy are the real deal" and he shows me some videos from this cam and no joke its super lit it almost look like a fucking film. "Its worth the shoot" Nick encourages me and i smile.

Then Jake throw us some hot new merch and highkey this is the littest hoodie i've ever seen. "I'll take the pink one!" Tessa yells "me too!!" Well, the pink one looks bomb af.

Erika is not coming with us since she had a lot of photoshoots for her modelling agency. So me and Tessa will be the only girls on tomorrow's journey.

Tessa is showing off her dress to perform later. Honestly she's starting to be a bitch again. The dress was too revealing and showing too much skin and cleavage. "Why wouldn't you wear jake's hoodie? Its lit tho" then she death-stare at my eyes and not saying a word to me but continuing showing off to the boys. Fuck this bitch is thirsty.

I rolled my eyes and Chance was seems to notice it. Then he follows me to the trampoline and sit next to me. Anthony and the others was too distracted by that filthy mouth of her. "Too girlie for you huh?" He laughs. "Yo girl are hungry of attention. Let her eat her whole audience" i rolled my eyes. The fact that Chance always notice me makes me wonder. Did he even loves her?

He is scrolling trough tinder, i don't know is it the only way to keep her out of his mind or... who knows right?

"Did he love her?" I look at Chance and he look into my eyes with so much thoughts in it. I can't read his mind better than him. "Why did you came up with that question?" He's not even answers. "I don't know.. just wondering"
"He liked her but its before you guys met. You knew that right?" He locks his phone concentrating on my response. "Yeah, but will it ever comes back?" Then he paled at my question. "He promised you to be yours and that's all that matter" he smiles but this time, this one fades quickly. Im scared....

I look down to my thigh and he gives me a side hug. "Don't worry you have me" then he walks upstairs. Im grateful to have a big bro figure beside me but.. im just not ready for anything yet.

The sun goes down and the moon comes up. Today wasn't super crazy bcs everyone trying to save their energy for tomorrow and that little bitch is not coming tomorrow since his dad picks her up this noon due to family trip. Thank god.

My head can't stop replying that day back in Ohio the first time i met him again. It was too beautiful to describe. Even his face hide the mos painful truth, he still looks like a pure angel. Thinking about him never fails making me cry. I lay on Anthony's bed. He's already asleep. While im here being all scared of what will happen cause i know he's bringing disaster and heaven at the same time.

I've tried my best to leave but it kills me slowly knowing that there are nothing could ever succeed to make me fully forget him. Except the memoryloss injection that i've taken in the past.

Have you ever felt the way i am now? You knew he was a mess but the way he touches your skin drives you insane and makes you hungry of him. His eyes were deep like an ocean but once it meet your eyes, there was like an electricity that makes you want more. Makes it impossible to live your life without him cause he is your world, your life, your soul

who to hate? || Anthony Trujillo (3rd BOOK of Who To Blame? SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now