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I woke up with uncured swollen eyes and of course painful stomach. "Get ready, i'll take you to your dad" Chance hand me a glass of water. He woke up early and this things rarely happen. "What time is it?" "10" "Whoa what the fuck" i shake my head.

No sign of Anthony this morning tho. But fuck him. Then Chance and I headed to the Hospital and Daniel hugs me tight making me push him cause i still hate him. "Okay now please lay on the bed" he instructs me. I do what he said. He do all the doctor medical shit and i just lay there with head full of thoughts.
"You gotta be careful with your stress level and heavy activities. All those things affect the baby's health" I listen and nodded. Chance seems pretty into all these stuff. He write down everything on his phone, he looks adorable honestly.

"I think this is too early to say, but i think this baby is a beautiful girl. All the indications are showing the result already" He kiss my belly and almost crying. "Look, Zeeva. Im sorry that i have never been with you all the time. I think i'll hurt everone that i love the most. Your mom died because of me and i won't lose you too so i did the same mistake again. Not anymore. But doing it making me the worst dad in the universe cause you deserve the best life. Or maybe i don't deserve being called dad." He sighed and finally a tear running down.

I can't help but smiling "I understand your situation. But you're here now"

"You have to keep your eating schedule on time and you gotta be careful with what you're stepping on or carry with" He explains while writing down all stuff on the paper.

Then he puts down the pen and look back at me.

"ZEEVA!" Then Logan fucking slams the door open with excitement. "Hi there Logan! Glad to see you here"
"How's the baby doc?" He looks curious as hell. "Healthy and happy" He smiles. Honestly im genuinely happy for having them with me, they are the ones that always taking care of me more than Anthony did to me. Now he fucking dumped me away. They worried about me more than my own self. Especially the Martinez twins and my old buddy Chancy.
I felt a lot safer being with them.

Then we headed back to the team10 house and everyone was vlogging woth their own content. While i see Landon chilling on the trampoline by himself. No sign of Toner.

"Yo sup Landon?" I smile and sit next to him. "Im good. What bout you? Wait...Why are you smiling like that?" He seems to recognise that i hide something from him. I giggle at his cuteness. "You haven't heard of it?" I drive him hella curious. "I haven't heared any shit from you" He rolled his eyes playfully. Then i smile at him rubbing my stomach making an O shape gesturing him my pregnancy. Then his jaw dropped in silence, his eyes widen, both hand on his head "NO FUCKING WAY! YOU'RE PREGNANT?!" Then the gasped turn into a large smile on his lips and hugging me gently.

His spontaneous excitement making me feels happier than before. "Anthony is a lucky bastard" He smiles and punching me softly and playfully to my arms. I look down not saying anything. "Is it a girl or a boy?" He looks till fucking excited. "I think its a beautiful little girl" I smiled almost crying. "Oh my gosh for real??? I bet she looks so beautiful once she meet the world" His words were fucking touching.
"Yeah" i smiled and look down at my belly, then cried. "What's wrong?" Then his voice becomes 200 times softer and gentle.

"Did he...." He started to guess. "Yeah..." I know what's he thinking about. Then he gasped slowly. "I can't believe it but what the actual fuck" Yeah same Landon, same. You guys have no idea how horrible i feel now. I gotta stay happy cause my mental health also the reflection of my baby's growth. I can't be selfish and feeling vulnerable all day. But that is how i felt since he rejected me just like that.

..................1 month later..................

This is the roughest month in my entire life. I did everything by myself. Nope no Anthony is involved in any of my struggle to keep this baby safe in my belly.
But Chance, Jake, Chad, Martinez twins, Erika, Nathan, Kade, and Alex are the ones that helped me a lot. Like no joke. I can't describe how grateful i am for having them by my side.

••••Emilio's POV••••
Zeeva had gone a lot thinner these past 2 weeks. I always see her sitting on the couch staring blankly to a random corner. Im starting to worry about her mental health so i told the other about her condition. Chance told me a lot about her mother in the past. She had this genetical mental issues. I just don't want her to feel lonely like this

She doesn't fucking deserves it at all.

••••Chance's POV••••
"I swear to god i'll punch him if she is fucking sick" I was so pissed when Emilio told me about Z. She looks tired internally. I can't even find a perfect word to describe how her eyes scream for help and cure.

I called his dad for help but he was lost in his past. I mean, i can't blame him. His wife died bcs of this unsolvable mental issue.

Okay. Now i gotta fix this with bare hands.

••••Back to Z's POV••••
"Zeeva dinner is ready" Chad with his mouth full of taco. I nodded and smile. God im not in mood for everything. What's wrong with me.

Then Anthony walking downstairs.
"I smell food" his fucking voice heal my vision so that i can see him clearly trough all the blur. He make his way to the counter and eat his whole food. "Hey" I stand in front of him.

 "Hey" I stand in front of him

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He don't give a shit. Well, fuck it.
"You look sick" I smile even if i knew he wouldn't look back.

But no i was wrong

He looks at me deep into my eyes. Then he looks mad.

"You're joking right?" He says

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"You're joking right?" He says.
"No. Why?" Im still smiling.
"You looks..." Im still waiting his response. "Dying..." Then i froze in place and my chest was pounding hard. Yea of course im fucking dying. You fucking left me alone with the baby. Dumbass

"You haven't eat all day, come here" How the fuck did he knows that. Then i sit next to him, he gives me his other pizza and honestly i have no power to chew or swallow anything. My body was collapsing. I hug my stomach to numb the pain and concentrate on Anthony. But damn it this is too much pain. "Aaaaahh!"

••••Chance's POV••••
I heard a fucking screams from the kitchen and i run as fast as i could and i see Anthony is fucking panic. He lift Zeeva while she squirm in incredible pain. Felt like all my bones are about to break apart seeing her weak like this. "CALL THE FUCKING AMBULANCE!" I screams and the entire house becoming a fucking hurricane of panic.

Then once the ambulance arrives, we headed to the nearest hospital and wait for the doctor while the nurse taking care of other stuff. Zeeva was laying there weak, pale, and helpless. Her lips was chapped due to the dehydration.

who to hate? || Anthony Trujillo (3rd BOOK of Who To Blame? SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now