Don't Talk To Me

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i wake up without Anthony by my side. i sighed.

"How was your night?" Then a familiar voice comes outta nowhere. "What are you doing?!" I slightly yell bcs yo wtf are you doing. "Chill, im just sitting here since a couple of hours ago" he rolls his eyes. "Why?"
"Anthony and Jake had some talk with Banks this morning so Tony asked me to keep you company" he explains. "Oh.. thankyou"

"You had a nightmare don't you?" Then i realise that his eyes were swollen red. " not sure" and i realise that mine too. Looking at soaked pillow, im just confused.
"I cant remember anything"
i frowned. Then he smiles "I've done packing all your stuff, we're ready to go once they got back" i know he always covers his own pain to make me happy. I smile instantly "Really?? Thanks Chancy" i run to him forgetting all the pain in my body and hugs him tight. He hugs me back. His limb full of unseen scars, he was so warm and now he's all cold. He never fails transferring me goosebumps all over my spine, his signal to me never fail to connect when he felt something is wrong. But i shrug it off.

"YAYEET!!" oh thats logan
wait what?
i walk downstairs "Oh hi sister Z!" he hugs me and zooming in to my face with his cam "Where's jake and tony?" Then he looks confused. "Im here looking for my brothers too honestly" and he scratches his head.

Oh not today toner

Ya better not messin around with me

"What? For real?"
"Yeah i thought he was here" he frowns
"He confronted Rice and Banks" Then Chance popped out
"Without me?!?! No shit brother jake"

"C'mon! Jump to the Yeti" Then we headed to Rice's place and yet we don't see any car around. And i talked to Faze Rug "yo sup?"
"Hi, im Z. Have you seen any of my friends here?"
"Nice to mert you, im rug. You mean jake and his guy? Yeah they're inside. Come in" he's such a cute guy honestly.

Its weird, no voices at all. No nothing basically.

Until i bumped to huge figure and fall on my knees making my stitches on my thigh painfully uncomfortable. "Ouch!" "Oh my god im so sorry i was in rush" he helped me up and thats Banks!

"Im sorry! um you..."
"Yeah Banks, nice to meet you. Who's yo name?"
"Z. Zeeva. Have you seen.."
"Yeah they talked to us. Just have a seat and they'll back in a sec" He was surprisiy polite and all. Im shook but hey, we can't judge a person by their looks.

Then Jake came downstairs looking a lil bit mad, and then here is Anthony 100% pissed. And yeah, Rice behind him

"WOW and now your little doll is coming over to pick you up" rice.what.the.fuck.

My eyes go wide as a fucking golf ball hearing his statement.

"But she's pretty you know?" He still continues.

Chance holds my hands tight. His hands are legit shaking in anger.

"Now get out all of ya! Oh Chance fuckin Sutton the defender of team10 is here"

"What? Wanna slap me with your thin ass arms? Better watch who u talking to" Chance grabs my hands then we leave. Banks not saying a word and just sitting there on the corner and keeping us company and leading us to the exit.

"Yo guys, im sorry for whatever he said. I appreciate everything that you've done to clear things up. Especially you Anthony." Then he waves us goodbye. He's such a wise guy. But yeah, he had his own badblood to Jake since Alissa left team 10. No comment on that.

But... what did Rice means?....


Anthony was all silent until we got back to the team10. So does Logan.
"Okay fuck all the beef, now lets meet all the Jake Pauler in Pennsylvania!!" He could be a fucking happy bastart all of a sudden. What a miracle.

Im staring at Anthony the whole time but he's not even say hi to me. Not even look back into my eyes. What's going on?

His acting like im not even exist. I have no strength to touch him. But i have to. I reach his hands but he's not moving at all. I hold his hand tighter but his muscles all relaxed, not holding me back. He was so cold yet i have no idea what the fuck is going on.

Then we arrived at the team10 an he just walk out from the Yeti without holding the door open for me since it still hurt so bad to position my legs so it wont hurt my stitches. "Anthony!" But the door was already closed. I hold back my tears not wanting to look like a sad fucking sack of potato. And Chance hold it open for me. Smiling. But the weak one. "I got you"

"Thankyou Chance"

Then we walk inside and the house was super silent. Unlike usual. I walk upstairs with all the rest of my power and holdinh tight to the railings of the stairs. One by one. A half jumping. It hurts again i don't know why. My inner muscles stitches may torn apart since im not eating enough protein to heal my muscles back. I just don't care. I was too tired to get up and i stop for a while. 20 steps ahead! I told to my self.

Then a familiar scent appears to my nose. Its Anthony. He grabs me and lifting me up with bridal style, looking straight forward. Not even looking into my watery eyes begging for his explanation.

I close my eyes, letting all the tears soaked my shirt. Letting all his scent linger to my chest. Then my my chest ache.

Then he puts me down to his bed and leave. "Wait!" I sobbed. "Don't talk to me" then he look into my eyes for a good 2 seconds and close the door behind him. My jaw dropped by what he said and i lay on his bed hugging my body. Now all the scars hurt so bad like they're about to explode. Im screaming in pain. I had no clue what is wrong with my body and Chance knocked down the door "Whats wrong?" His athleticism are no joke. He was super fast and i could see worry and scared deep into his eyes.

"I think im about to die"

"No. You're not."

"Yes i am"

"How could you know it?"

"I could feel it"

Then he grabs my hand holding it with his both hands, closing his eyes, leans his head on our hands and says beneath his deep breath "God i wish Anthony knew what he missed" and a single tear of him running trough his cheek.

"What's wrong with him? Say it to me"

"No. You'll hate him if i told you"

Then i fall into the darkest abyss of sorrow and sadness

who to hate? || Anthony Trujillo (3rd BOOK of Who To Blame? SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now