God Damn Anthony

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••••Anthony's POV••••
She was so peaceful to watch. But she ruined it. My trust. Rice showed me that pic. I just.... i cant seeing her with someone else.

Then i realise that she fallen asleep with his head leaning to my shoulder. I don't want to wake her up but we're just landed. The rough landing not even make her move an inch. Then i whisper to her forehead "we're here" then she slowly opens her eyes and sit straight. Tie her hair up in pony tail and smiles at me. I can't help my self but smiling back.

But it fade easily now

"Get your ass up and lets let do that thaaaang" Jake with his vlogging cam
"C'MON TONY WAKE UP!! CHANCE!! don't disgrace Ohio family!!" He pull both mine and Chance's hands making my body pushing Z's "Ouch! you're hand pushing my thigh. Its still hurt sometimes" she groans but its cute.

Im holding my smile and walk away from her

••••Back to Z's POV••••
"Fuck" i bite my lower lip holding my fist. Its fucking hurt. You had no idea how heavy he is leaning his whole fucking body on my thigh.

Then Emilio, Ivan, and Logan walk to me and pick up all my stuff and walk together out from the plane and make our way to luggages claim section. I like this part a lot lowkey. Its funny how big bags and other stuff walking infront of us slowly. Yeah, im weird.

Now all my stuff is complete, and we're headed to the hotel and get change quickly.

It wasn't the most luxurious hotel after all, but its quite nice and had a perfect combo with their all wooden but not old looking furnitures. "Chance you go with me" Jake says then Chance nods and open the door so that i could peek a little.
"Yo toner" Jake hands him a key card for his room and im just standing there waiting Jake to give my own key card.
"What are you waiting?"
"The key, duh"
"Are you joking?"
"Go with Anthony"
Then i rolled my eyes and run after him.
He wasn't even going to wait for me.

Then he stops and open the room. While im gasping for air. I just don't get use to running that fast after a long while. "Anthony" then he looks at me. "I want the left side of the bed"
I beg. "No way" the fuck toner. "Fine" i just rolled my eyes and unpack all my stuff.


My bra

How the fuck did i forget to bring one

What a pure dumbass brain

I stand there with eyes about to fall, jaw dropped, not making a single movement. Then Anthony walks to me and looks confused as fuck. "Whats wrong?"

"No. nothing" i closed my travelling bag and sit on the small couch. Thinking.
"Um Anthony"
He was scrolling trough his phone.
"Do you.."
"Do you know the nearest mall here?"
"This is my first time ever being here. you understand what i mean right?"
I rolled my eyes.

"Need some makeup?" He was cute when he regrets being such an asshole.


"Why then?"

"Nope its fine, just need you know.. shopping"

"We don't have time now"

I sighed in frustration. There is no fucking way im not wearing any bra. I mean, its not about the size and the bouncy stuff. Its about the nipple, its bothering me when its visible. Im not that freethenipple type of a person.

Fuck it, imma slay the stage first and i'll go buy some fucking bra

Then i get dressed and yeah, im not performing any shit, but i'll record everything since im the shooter same as Kade and Nathan. I sighed
Anthony takes off his shirt making my eyes beg for more of Anthony. Then he put on his Jake Paul hoodie, the newest one. He's fucking gorgeous.

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