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I woke up with him an inch away from me. It was too early. The sun haven't rise yet but the air was so fresh and i felt his hand resting on my thigh.

Then he wakes up smiling with his raspy voice "Morning princess"I hiss due to his hand touching my swollen area

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Then he wakes up smiling with his raspy voice "Morning princess"
I hiss due to his hand touching my swollen area. "Sorry baby"
"Am i not gonna be able to walk anymore?" I whine. "Fuck yes princess" He smirks helping me to stand up. But holy fuck it hurt so bad. He banged me too hard last night. I squeal in pain. "No no stop i cant" my eyes become watery as the unstoppable pain comes. "Okay okay i'll grab the food" then he leaving me all alone and i just realised that im sweating on my sleep so i change to a purpose tour oversized shirt. It was hella struggle to walk.

Then i hear a soft knock from the door "Come in!" Oh thats Erika. "Hiii girll!! I've missed you so much. I came here with Tessa last night, by the way Anthony said you need some help" She hugs me and smirk. "Oh Zeeva havin a great night last night huh?" She giggle at me blushing.
"He was huge no joke. Now everything hurt" I scratch my head making a small smile on my mouth remembering the best night of my life. "Its okay, you'll get better soon. Here, stay hydrated so it would heal faster" She hands me a glass of water.

Then Anthony comes in. "Alright my job is done here. Have a great day Z and Toner!" She leaves the room leaving me with him. "Chance need to talk to you" what? Why?....
"Its okay baby, he is my bro" He grabs my neck and kiss my lips gently then handing me a taco from tacobell. Im still standing there in the same position confused and scared all the same time. What would he want to tell me? And why?...

Then a messed up Chancy comes in with messy hair, and a red shirt from last night on stage. He looks horrible.

Then he closes the door behind him.
Staring deep into my eyes.

"Really? Now you give your self to him?"

"What do you mean?"

"You have no idea what are you get into"

"Answer me what do you mean?!"
I yelled at him.

"You'll hate yourself for this" He shakes his head in frustration

"Stop being such a childish asshole!"

"What? What did you said? You called me childish. Good. Now you're blind" He crossed his arm.

"Why would you come to me just to make me suffer even more?!" I started crying.

"All this time i've tried to save you but you keep falling to the same fucking pit all the fucking time!"
He yelled at me back. Now i feel worries all over his chest. And sadness all over his eyes.

"You had no idea how good he made me feel. You had no idea how much suffering i hold to my self just bcs i really wanna be with him" My voice become raspy and my throat begs for water.

who to hate? || Anthony Trujillo (3rd BOOK of Who To Blame? SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now