It Begins

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Since they were kids he followed her orders without reluctance. He has a thirst for adventure and can sometimes get a little crazy. Still she knows how to reel him in. Some might wonder why he's her first mate. She keeps him around because of his loyalty and dedication to her. No doubt he would put himself in harm's way to defend her.

Sure the slum life is all they know but life on the isle some days can be downright depressing. She often dreams of what it would be like outside of the isle's barrier. What would a life be like where they didn't have to live off Auradon's cast offs?

"Cheer up, captain!" Harry takes her right hand and places a delicate kiss on it while she tries not to look amused. "At least today is a nice day," Harry offers.

As nice a day as can be on an island that's perpetually overcast. But today the black sand beaches looked glossy and almost inviting from their view on the Lost Revenge. And the sun is attempting to peek through the clouds. Not to mention absent is the scent of rotten fish that usually permeates the air. Today the air is just salty and strong.

"Well today is my one day off so I guess I should be grateful mom let me out of the shop. No slinging bile today," Uma stare miserably at the waters below them.

"I stopped by the fishing shop today and it was packed. It's just the two of us today, just like old times," he says gleefully. "The embargo has people scouring for other goods and some folks are taking up fishing. Fishing poles and bait were practically flying off the shelves."

"Perfect opportunity to pilfer some items and sell them for the highest market value. And speaking of pilfering I managed to sneak one decent meal past mom today. It's not hot but you know our shop motto," Uma hands him a plastic bag with a to-go container inside.

"Fish and chips, my favorite!" he greedily opens the box and pushes past the old newspaper with Boredon's latest headlines sopping up the oil.

"I made my own malt vinegar and sprinkled a little over it. Tell me what you think," She attempts to read his expression which is much easier said than done.

"This is probably the best thing I've ever eaten," he says. "Way better than that sludge your mum usually serves us."

"Let's check the Jolly Roger and see if your dad has anything we can make a decent trade with," she suggests.

"Sounds like a plan! Rum rationing should be starting soon," Harry gleefully declares. "The crew will be far too distracted to pay us any attention."

A woman with a shop makes all the rum the pirates drink during their daily ration but Hook has some bottles under lock and key from the days before they were imprisoned on the isle. Things like that would make good money in trade and Hook was holding onto the bottles for the nights when he liked to get pissed off the good stuff and wallow in his losses to Peter Pan.

Hook like every other villain is obsessed with the hero that caused him defeat and spends more time replaying events in his head and living in fantasy land than he does spending time with his children. Nevertheless he's still feared by the pirates of the isle is known for being a ruthless leader.

"Off we go then," Harry takes his position as helmsman grabbing onto the ship's wheel.

Even holding that hook which makes it harder to steer he's still one of the best sailors on the island.

She likes when they sail across the isle. There's something exhilarating about her braids flapping in the breeze and the taste of the salty air. And they've put forth so much effort in rebuilding the ship to make it sail. 

"Ya know you've built quite the reputation as a captain. Even some of the Jolly Roger crew fears ya. They say you're more ruthless than me big sis Harriet."

"Give yourself a little cred. Just the name Harry Hook makes people shake in their boots. When we finally get out of here you and I are going to rule all of Auradon."

The ship comes to a halt and she and Harry drop anchor alongside the Jolly Roger.

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