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****Long overdue final chapter. Thank you all so much for following along with me on this journey. Would you believe this is the first multi-chapter fanfic I've ever finished? Comment below to let me know what you thought of my story.****

"Harry!" Uma squeals while biting back a moan. 

Her large teal braids are splayed across the pillow as she lays back on the old queen sized cabin bed. Her arms are above her head gripping onto the headboard to keep her steady as she writhes between the sheets.

The warm glow of soft candle light mixes with the gleam of the moon shining through the the porthole.

"Not too loud, love. You'll wake the entire isle," Harry places a finger to her lips while crawling up from under the covers.

Bringing his hands to her shoulders he pulls her closer before locking his lips with hers.  She tousles his hair relishing in its soft feel beneath her fingers.

"I can't help it. You know how much I love when you do that," she lets out a sigh when they finally break apart.

After the battle they decided to stay secluded for a few days.  The crew easily accepted their new status as a couple. Most thought it was obvious the pair was meant to be. 

"We haven't left this ship in days. The crew will eventually come looking for us," he reminds her.

"Well then we'll be a sight to see," she teases.  "I told them not to come back to the ship unless it's under my orders. And everyone knows things go best when they follow my orders."

"They dare not cross the powerful sea witch."

She continues to hold him tight taking in his briny scent and the feel of his warm and sweaty body pressed up against her.

"You smell like coconuts," he nuzzles her neck placing soft kisses there while he inhales the scent of her hair.

"I think I finally got rid of that shrimp scent. The things a little bit of magic can do." Uma flicks her wrist in emphasis.

"Yer hair never bothered me," he insists. "Ye always smell like the sea to me. Cool and inviting with a wee bit of mystery."

"You are so corny." Uma rolls her eyes. "But I love you nonetheless."

He lays on his side toying with one of her large aqua braids admiring it. 

"It does look better than ever though," he admits. "So soft and vibrant like the sea."

"To think I went from taking hours to braid my hair to just a few seconds. I feel so cheated. I never realized how much I needed magic in my life.  It's fun and exciting," Uma tells him.

"Boreadan banned magic for frivolous use. How does that even happen? Imagine someone powerful as ye being told by two blokes who don't even have powers to give them up and live normal. They only convinced Neverland to join them but letting them keep enough magic to keep enough magic to keep everyone from getting old. No way they could convince Peter Pan to grow up."

"I have important plans like making sure the barrier is broken," She points out.  "But I finally understand why mom and the witches miss magic so much. If people thought I was a terror before they're in for now. They'll be blindsided by the new tricks I have up my sleeves."

"Yer very sexy when yer plotting. There's a little glint in yer eyes. And you have this cute little impish grin."

"Ugh do not call me cute. No one takes cute girls seriously."

"I was thinking we should move in together," Harry suggests. 

"Where would we live? I like our time on this ship but it's not sturdy enough to live. I kind of don't want to live on a leaky boat for however long I have left on the isle."

"I know a guy who owns a shack and he's looking to sell. Nothing fancy but it would be ours," He explains. "Right by the waterfront not far from this ship."

Harry lays on his back and stares up at the ceiling. 

"Something of our own sounds nice," Uma rests her head on his chest.

"I can't live with dad anymore," he admits. "And I really want your face to be the first thing I see every morning."

"Mom says if I live in her house I have to obey her rules. Not that I ever completely follow them. But, she can't try and force me to obey her silly rules when I don't live in her house. We're already the baddest of the bad."

"So is that what we're calling it now?" Harry asks with a hopeful smile.

"Can't think of anything better to describe this. I can't stop thinking about you lately. And it frustrates me because I feel so weak and vulnerable. But at the same time I wouldn't give up this feeling for the world," she gushes.

The nautilus around Uma's neck is glowing again and Harry runs his thumb over it admiring the shell. 

"Weak? Never," Harry smiles placing a kiss near the shell.

"As much as I'd love to bask in our afterglow forever we do have to get up," She sits up wrapping the sheet around her bare body.

"I could use a bit of sustenance myself," Harry smiles gleefully.

"I'll see what I can whip up," Uma winks at him.

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