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Thanks for the continued support. Been working on this chapter for over a week since the announcement of D3. Let me know what you think below.


The stench of fresh fish and hot oil permeates the air.  As usual Uma is slapping down trays on tables and giving customer's attitude. It's an unusually slow night with the rush already having passed. Right now the only patrons are the regulars who can spend hours sipping on drinks and scarfing down cold tuna.

"Just a few more hours and then we're free," the bartender, Celeste offers her some encouragement. 

"You mean you're free.  I still have to live with the evil sea witch," Uma reminds her.

"It's Friday night she was already past her limit in sour wine when I last saw her. I'm sure by now she's knocked out and will be out until late afternoon tomorrow."

She brushes brushes long strands on brown hair  off her face where the rest of her hair is joined in a ponytail. 

"By the time I get out of here the party is gonna be over."

"Let's have our own party. Some dumbass bought me a bottle of rum tonight," she lets out a laugh."Everyone knows I have a boyfriend. And dusty pirates with crooked teeth aren't my type."

Uma bends over laughing placing her hand on the counter for leverage.  Celeste places too shot glasses on the counter and pours for them both.

"I know everyone imagines leaving the isle and reigning terror on everyone but I don't feel the same way," Celeste admits.

"You don't?"  Uma asks intrigued while taking a shot of the warm liquid that burns on it's way down.

"Other than when drunk customer's try to get frisky or fresh with me or girl's try to fight me when have you seen me be mean?"

"Not often. You really don't start with anyone unless they start with you first," Uma realizes.

She had to admit that though she considered her friend to be one of the baddest girls she knew her aesthetic wasn't like the rest of the villain girls around.

 Her wardrobe was less leather and chains and more dresses and blouses. Even now she was wearing a cutoff t shirt and distressed jeans she clearly stole from her boyfriend and hemmed. With supplies being scarce on the isle and everyone trying to prove they were the toughest of the tough Auradon's more preppy castoff clothing was usually scavenged for bits. Anyone wearing floral or lace anything was usually the epitome of vain in the most obnoxious way and obviously not a competitor. 

"Exactly!" she throws her arms in the the air.  "My mother may not have been infamous like so many people on the isle but she was quite powerful in her day. They say she had the power of 1000 witches and had a way of bringing men to their knees.I tried to be the vixen everyone wanted me to be. But it just wasn't me."

"What changed?"  Uma hops on a stool to take a break off her feet.

"My boyfriend helped me remember what life was like before being banished to this prison. And he reminded me that I had hopes and dreams. Dreams that go further than seducing the right men. Being the baddest of the bad here means nothing," she declares.

"It means that people respect you and cower in you're presence," Uma argues.

"And what does that really mean?" Celeste asks her.

"It's means..." Uma starts but stops unsure of how to describe it.

"You can't even give me an answer," Celeste lets out a laugh.

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