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Captain Hook has Uma literally backed against the wall and though he towers over her she still manages to hold her head high. She's not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing her tremble.

She can see hints of red flecks amidst the green hue of his eyes.

"Plunge your hook into me if you must. I'm not afraid of you. Harry used to tell me stories about the great Captain Hook and his adventures," she laughs. "He didn't care that you were always outwitted by a child."

"Believe me I'd enjoy hooking you," he snickered. "Harry's a chip off the old block in some ways. Though not nearly as dastardly as my Harriet, she's the true leader. You, my dear, are holding him back."

"Holding him back from being old and bitter like you?" She asks. "He and I will do what you were never able to do. We'll win!"

"With you his manner is insouciant. You have a lot of vigor," Hook holds her head up so they're making direct eye contact. "I look at you and see much untapped potential. Have thou ever thought of joining my crew?"

"I'm captain of my own. Why would I want to join yours?"

"You could be my right hand. As the two most cunning on the Isle we could find an escape," He gingerly runs his hook through her hair gathering a few turquoise braids.

"He's a better swordsman than you and he can singlehandedly sail a ship on his own. Plus he's more feared on the isle than you," She laughs.

"The people here are so weak. They haven't seen me at my worst. In my prime I was the most feared pirate in the 7 seas and the most handsome as well," he winked at her. "People could mention the elegant Captain James Hook with respect and dignity."

"If I'm holding Harry back, wouldn't I do the same for you?"

"Harry is a boy; impulsive and easily distracted. You need a man who knows how to stay focused and curb his emotions. I think you and I would make a good pair," he says straightforwardly.

He moves his hand down to her waist pulling her even closer. Uma's heart is pounding in her chest as she anticipates the worst. His hook is pressed against her cheek but moving down towards her lips.

The door handle creeks, "Dad, what are you doing?" a confused Harry asks.

"Why nothing son, just questioning this intruder in my cabin," he stumbles backwards.

"Really, because it looks like you were trying to make a move on her. Trying to steal me girl away from me, are ye?" he draws his sword.

"Well I can't help it if she's naturally attracted to a man rather than a boy," Hook taunts.

"A wee bit arrogant to be teasing someone with a sword in their grip who knows how to wield it; don't ya think?"

Uma stomps on Hook's foot with the heel of her boot and wriggles out of his grasp as he yelps in pain.

"You don't intimidate me, boy. You only wish you could be half as fearsome as Harriet. She would've been finishing me off by now," Hook scoffs.

"I could claw your eyes out and having you begging for mercy," Harry moves his sword closer. "But what's the fun in that? You only temporarily suffer and then it's over."

"You should try it some time. It's quite relaxing watching your hook buried in a man's flesh as he screeches for mercy," He smiles a sinister smile. "Then he passes on and you kick the cold, lifeless body to the side. Shooting someone dead just doesn't have the same effect."

"Let's just go, Harry," Uma places her hand on his arm.

"Listen to your captain, Harry," Hook mocks him as he walks over to his desk.

Harry opens his mouth to speak but is interrupted by a big thrash against the side of the ship that makes him stumble.

"What was that?" Uma asks while struggling to maintain her footing.

"Didn't feel like anything good," Harry replies holding her steady.

"Blast it! What now?" Hook yells as he races out of the cabin in fury.

Harry moves to trail out behind him but Uma grabs his sleeve stopping him in his tracks.

"Let's get what we came for," she reminds him. "Where is that safe?"

Harry grabs a candle and shines it towards the corner where the painting of the woman is mounted.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" he smiles. "I always thought she was way too good for a place like this. She was smart, funny, and loved dad and us so much. She used to tell me and CJ stories about the sea and not just old pirate tales but stories of creatures below and merpeople. Her father was a pirate so naturally she married one. I miss her but I'm glad at least one of us was able to escape."

"Did your father love her?"

"I think he cared for her but he only loves himself. And the closest I've seen him come to loving anyone is his admiration for Harriet. She can do no wrong," he sighs. "I just hope death gave mum everything she never received in life."

The ships rocks again as if something has slammed against it. Once more they hold onto each other for balance.

"No more hesitating," Uma says. "Let's get what we came for and get out of here before whatever is out there manages to get in here."

He removes the painting from the wall to reveal a big metal safe behind it.

"Dad keeps all his prized possessions in here. I don't know the combination but I figure you and I can crack the code."

"Let's get started," Uma declares with determination. 

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