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The fragile ship rocks again as the waves crash against it. Gone is the sound of the music that once filled the air and the happy cheers of drunken teens throwing back pints and shots. Instead in place are gasps and screams.

As if the isle itself senses discord the weather begins to change. The once cool and calm air shifts and the sky turns gray and stormy. The full moon reflects on the dark waves making them look inky with splashes of silver.

 Everyone aboard the Lost Revenge struggles to stay afoot.  Which is no easy feat as the octopid army fights for dominance. 

 "I have a feeling this party is going to be talked about for ages to come,"Marissa laughs.

Though inside Uma's heart is racing she maintains a facade of strength in time of battle. First rule of the isle is to never let them see you sweat.  It's the only rule she's continuously followed and wouldn't dare breaking. 

"I'm about to make sashima out of these octopids, "Desiree declares while handing Uma a sword to fend off her own attacks.

"Watch out!" Harriet calls out behind her deflecting one of the octopid's attempts at a sneak attack.

The pirate princess effectively knocks the creature back.

"Great assist," Uma musters which is as good as a thanks you'll get on the isle.

 "You guys just couldn't have a normal party could you?" Harriet huffs annoyed whipping her hair out of her face.

"Yeah because I totally planned this," Uma says sarcastically.  "I didn't even want a party. I would've preferred a quiet night in braiding my hair but instead I had to go to work."

"Aren't you a sea witch too? And weren't these you're mother's minions?" Harriet asks though she already knows the answers.

"Yeah, so?" Uma replies while fending off another attack.

"So why aren't you doing something about these overgrown squids?" Harriet urges.

Not one for pep talks she was always straight to the point on what you should be doing, how you should be doing it, and when you are going to do it. But Uma had to admit the girl was the best damn swordsman on the isle. Harriet was graceful with her fighting swings as if she were executing a delicate dance. 

"Why would they listen to me when Marissa is allowing them to create destruction?" Uma retorts.

"The same reason my brother follows you around. You're a natural born leader," Harriet points out.

"Keep the compliments coming," Uma jokes.

"Very funny. Where is my brother anyway? I saw him chugging beer like it was his job and haven't seen him since," Harriet recalls.

"I don't know," Uma turns her wring nervously. "I sent Hudson to find him."

 "The ship isn't that large and he's always up for a fight."

"He better find him soon," Harriet says dodging a a trident being swung in her direction while slashing at an octopid tentacle.

"Leave Uma for me," Marissa orders one of her minions.

Meanwhile off the ship in  the water below a different trouble was brewing...

Now Isle mermaids were quite tragic creatures. They were far from the jubilant mermaids of Atlantica and much darker than the cheeky mermaids in Neverland. Uma and Harry had made enemies for life the moment they stumbled into their haven.

High tide enhances their tantalizing songs which they've been using to lure unsuspecting sailors to their doom for years. But tonight they ignore the party-goers fighting for their lives on the ship above.  

"Let Marissa and her minions handle them," Nerida tells Siren. "We'll join in when it's down to the sea witch alone."

"What are you doing?" her friend asks perplexed as Nerida puts her ear to the sea.

"Do you hear that?" she whispers. "That is the sound of a slumbering pirate."

"Who could possibly sleep through this chaos?" Siren splashes her tail fiercely to illustrate her point.

"Let's find out," Nerida leads the way swimming closer to the side of the ship.

Siren gives her a boost allowing her friend to climb onto her shoulders to peer through a porthole.

"What do you see?" the blonde asks as she struggles to hold her weight.

"I spy a sleeping pirate prince," Nerida smirks.

"Is he Captain Hook's son?" Siren asks.

"What other pirate prince do you know?"

"There's alot of pirates on this stupid isle. I don't know who they all are," Siren huffs.

"Well there's very few pirates that matter. And he's making it really easy for us," Nerida has that evil glint in her eyes.

Up on deck the crew has done of pretty good job of dwindling down Marissa's octopid army.

Out of the corner of her eye Uma spies Hudson on the sidelines and swiftly makes her way to him.

"Looks like the crew has things under control for now," Hudson comments.

"Yeah, no thanks to Harry! Where is he? You were supposed to go grab him?"

"I tried but those overgrown  fishes nabbed him while he was below deck. Lured him through an open window with one of their songs," He explains.

"It's like the isle is falling apart at the seams. For years no one on the isle was able to do magic but all of a sudden they have this power," Uma says.  "The witches said it's the cracks in the barrier."

"If Marissa has all this power off a few fissures than who knows what you can do. Your mother is way more powerful than hers."

"You all keep telling me that but forget that I didn't go to the witches school. I didn't learn any spells like she did. She's been prepping for years to use her powers," Uma sighs. 

"I wish Celeste were here," Hudson admits. "She wouldn't back down. And she'd talk some sense into you."

"Where are you going?" Uma calls out as Hudson walks away.

"To man the nets and try and save Harry," he informs her. "He deserves someone willing to fight for him." 

"Hudson's right!" Gil pipes up making his presence know.  "We may be evil but we're still a crew. And a crew fights for each other."

Uma takes a deep breathe and closes her eyes before reopening again. 

"Time to stop being afraid of failure," she whispers to herself.

Marching to the platform where Marissa is perched on her throne with two octopid guards wielding shields, Uma is ready for action. 

"No! Leave Uma for me," Marissa yells waving off her minions who are ready to attack. 

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