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"Just like an old selfish pirate. The combination isn't anything related to me, Harriet, CJ, or mum. Twas too much to hope for dad to be sentimental,' Harry bangs his fists against the wall.

"We can do this," Uma urges resetting the dial for the umpteenth time.

"I'm trying to remember everything they taught at school about cracking a safe," Harry runs a hand through his hair. "I think we can listen to the clicks but we need a stethoscope."

"A cup will have to do," Uma grabs a glass from Hook's desk. "I actually paid attention to that lesson and my counting skills are better so I'll do the listening and you just turn the dial."

A thrash at the side of the ship sends them falling to the floor again. The glass shatters once it hits the hard surface.

"Okay, that thing out there is starting to get on me last nerve."

"You hear the screams out on deck clearly its nothing to mess with. We need to get the goods and get out of here. I've had enough of this ship for the day," Uma says exasperated.

"Before I walked in earlier..." Harry's voice trailed off.

"It was nothing, really," Uma brushes it off.

"Sure didn't look like nothing," Harry huffs. "It looked like my dad was trying to make a move on what's mine."

"Who said I was yours? I'm not some trinket to fight over," Uma retorts getting up off the floor.

"Aww come on, love," he reaches out and touches her arm. "Don't be like that. You know exactly what I mean."

"What exactly is it that you mean?" Uma smirks.

"You may think that you're the only one who's looking out for you but you're wrong."

"Thanks for the concern," she whispers.

"I'll make it up to you later," he gives her hand a gentle squeeze. "I promise."

"I'm glad you always have my back. Sometimes I just need a reminder."

"Who can friends lean on if not each other? Not like we have our parents on our side."

"Don't let him get to you," Uma squeezes his hand back. "Your dad is just like my mom. They're old, bitter, and jealous. Mom always rehashes that finale battle against Prince Eric and Princess Ariel and how King Triton was nothing but a polyp on the sea floor and she was wielding the entire ocean's power."

"At least she came close. Dad spent years getting outwitted by a lad no older than 12 and his merry band of brats. He's hated boys ever since."

"Mom says I'll never be anything but an incompetent pirate just like my father," Uma sighs.

"Better to be related to an incompetent pirate ye never met than a drunken one who'll berate ya when yer down."

"She used to keep a collection of poor unfortunate souls she deceived over the years back when she lived in the sea. You don't mess with someone that twisted."

"I'll hook Pan myself once we finally get off the isle," Harry declares. "It's only fair after having to endure a life with a father so consumed with revenge he has no use for me."

"You crack the code and I'll throw a party in your honor. I'll give you all the praise your father's never given. Are you sure you can't remember anything that your twisted father would use as a combination?"

"Clearly, the man doesn't care about anything that's not Peter Pan or Neverland related. Neverland related..." he ponders. "That's it! I know the combination!"

Harry rushes over to the safe and enters a combination. The safe clicks and he opens the door.

"Twas the date he was imprisoned on the isle after his final battle with Pan which is a date he always mentions," he reveals.

Uma walks over to the safe and they both check its contents. Old treasures maps, a few gold coins, an ornate golden pocket watch, a silver and gold pirate ring with a skull and crossbones on the front with ruby eyes, some bottles of fine liquor, a bottle of absinthe, and a crown shaped ring.

"Somehow I thought Hook would have more in here than this," Uma looks disappointed.

"He has multiple hiding places for things and another safe at the house," Harry explains. "This definitely isn't all his remaining treasure. But these are still good bargaining pieces."

Uma holds up the crown ring admiring how the rose gold gleams and the tiny diamonds sparkle.

"That was my mother's ring," Harry remarks.

"Then you should keep this," she places it in his palm and curls his fingers over it. "Give it to someone deserving."

"Thank you," he smiles. "But why don't you hold onto it for now at least until we're off the ship."

He grabs her hand and slips it on her finger. "A perfect fit."

"How are we gonna get this out of here? Sneaking past those drunkards in easy but your father is here. No way will he let us just waltz out with his prized possessions. And there's something out there that keeps rocking the ship," she reminds him. "And it sounds way too big to be Tic Toc."

"You're a sea witch. Any beast out there should be cowering in fear in your presence."

"I can't even get Flotsam and Jetsam to listen to me. You really think some sea monsters will do the same?"

Flotsam and Jetsam are two moray eels who act as Ursula's familiars. She has a large tank at the chip shop where they swim around spying on customers and employees alike.

Harry fills a sack with the safe's contents and securely ties it.

"Now all we need is a distraction," he says as he and Uma exit the cabin.

"Oh I think we found our distraction," Uma's voice shakes a little.

Turning around, Harry's eyes grow wide as he sees the creature that has been rocking the ship. Long, dark tentacles are sprawled out in all directions encompassing the ship. And the creature's glowing yellow eyes stare down at the pirates as they try to attack it with harpoons and cannon balls.

"Relative of yours?" he teases.

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