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It's evening now and the moon is full in the sky. Aboard the Lost Revenge a celebration is underway. Music plays from a radio in the corner atop a barrel and cheering filled the air amid glass mug clinking. Lanterns illuminate the ship contrasting the dark sky.

The ship is livelier than it's ever been with a big crowd consisting of not only the pirate crew but other teens as well. Jonas is guarding the entryway and charging a fee to enter the party. Judging by how full the ship is the crew is raking in the cash tonight. 

Now warm and dry, Uma has her braids up in a bun and is wearing a short teal dress with a built in petticoat and princess cut bodice. Thigh high black boots pull the look together. It's very different from her everyday wear but it's a party and everyone is more dressed up than usual. Her aqua braids are in a ponytail at the top of her head and she had little gold charms braided on some plaits.

Gil seems to have taken style tips from his father and much brawnier brothers. The usual war paint is gone and his hair is out and flowing instead of being covered by a hat.

"Tell us again how you took down the Kraken," Gil urges.

"It was nothing really," Harry replies with a wicked smile. "It's just an incredible feat which no other pirate was able to accomplish."

"He saved my life and truly earned his rank as first mate today. To Harry," Uma raises her glass in a toast.

"Aye, Aye," the crew cheers raising their glasses.

"The crew of the Jolly Roger was shaking in their boots. Surely they thought they'd be meeting old Davy today. But I knew I had to do something. The beast would've sunk the Lost Revenge if I didn't," Harry recalls in an animated voice. "So I decided to hoist anchor and steer the ship right into the heart of the mighty beast."

"Don't let beating the Kraken go to your head too much, little brother," Harriet says with a sly smile and a flip of her long black hair.

She was wearing a tight red dress; very plain and simple in design but it hugged all the right places and her heeled black booties perfectly compliment it. The guys were practically drooling over her tonight and she reveled in the attention.

"Don't worry sis, I'm sure you'll make your mark someday," Harry teases.

Everyone else goes back to enjoying the party while Harry and Harriet continue to trade jabs.

"Our crew could take yours any day, sis," Harry retorts giving her the stare down. "After all we do run most of the Isle while your territory barely passes dad's shop."

"As exciting as this little pissing contest is this isn't the time or the place," Uma gets between them. "It's a party. We're here to get drunk and have a wicked time."

"Harriet doesn't know how to act when she's not tormenting someone."

"My brother is just mad that even after defeating the Kraken dead old dad could care less about him," Harriet counters.

Being family didn't stop them from hitting below the belt. Harriet knew how insecure Harry was when it came to their father.

"Don't worry Hook siblings CJ has got you both beat in the competition for best pirate sibling," Uma tells them. "She actually escaped this accursed prison."

"Ugh, Calista Jane has nothing on me. I'm still the biggest and baddest in this family," Harriet insists. "And my crew is the baddest on the isle."

Uma leaves them to chat with Desiree near the makeshift bar.

"This drink is pretty good. What do you call it?"

"The Lost Isle," Desiree replies with a giggle. "A few glasses of this and you'll really be feeling wrecked."

"It's good. We might add it to the drink menu on Thursday nights at the Chip Shoppe."

Uma is having fun dancing with Desiree and the other girls to the music from the isle's only radio station. Soon most of the guys and girls start to pair off and around her people are grinding to the music and throwing back shots.

Even Gil has a few girls fawning over him trying to persuade him to dance.

"Hey," Harry purrs in her ear catching her by surprise.

He wraps his arms around her waist pulling her close to his body. She turns in his arms to face him.

"Finally finished sparing with Harriet?"

"I've been looking for ya to give me victory dance all night."

"Not in front of the crew," Uma playfully pushes him away.

"Let's get out of here," he whispers. "Go to a more private part of the ship."

"So you're just gonna leave your own party?"

"Big parties aren't really my style anyway. I prefer much more private affairs."

"What about your adoring fans?" Uma gestures to a group of witches refilling their glasses by the keg who are sneaking glances at Harry.

"Not really interested. I have my eyes set on one specific girl lately."

"Do I know her?" Uma questions attempting to read his expression.

Harry gives her a teasing smile.

"Ye might know er." he leans down so he's invading her personal space.

"Is she here at the party?"

"She's here and she's been having a great time with her friends all night."

"Well if she's here then why haven't you made a move on her?"

"Already am," he whispers letting his tongue lightly touch the outer shell of her ear. "She's not the quickest to pick up on hints."

"Maybe but she's quick to lead. Follow me," She winks before disappearing into the crowd.

He knows they're headed to her quarters. But for once he's not sure what to expect. When he reaches her cabin she quickly shuts the door behind him and presses her lips against his.

"I've wanted you to do that for awhile," he returns the kiss. "Since that day at the beach."

"Me too but I didn't want it to be weird," she admits. "And I couldn't muster up the courage."

"Good old liquid courage does it every time," Harry joked.

He leans in and kisses her lingering longer then their first. As they kiss Harry backs her further and further into her cabin until they fall back on her bed.

"Are we going soft?" Uma questions in between kisses.

"No!" he shakes his head. "We're the baddest on the Isle. And you think those goody goody princes and princesses in Auradon do stuff like this?"

"Of course not! At least not until after marriage. I'm sure they just stick to their loving glances and chaste kisses."

"And hold hands and stare into each other's eyes with goofy grins," Harry adds.

He winds his hands in her hair and for a moment she feels a little self conscious. After years she's gotten used to the slightly shrimpy smell her hair holds and Harry's used to it but having his hands in her hair feels so intimate.

Harry notices her expressions and asks her, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," she replies plastering on a fake smile.

"Doesn't sound like nothing. Am I moving too fast for you?"

"No," she sits up moving out from under him. "It's not that. It's my shrimpy smelling hair."

"I don't know if you've noticed the various degrees of rotting kelp stench between me and my sisters. I try my best to cover it up with sandalwood but it doesn't always work. I'm the last person who should say anything about your scent," he runs his fingers through her braids toying with the little gold charms sprinkled though out. "Besides I like shrimp."

"And I like your scent," she giggles leaning in to kiss him again.

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