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 Shorter chapter but I wanted to start the week with an update.

Harry groans as his skin stings from the impact of the fall. Luckily he and Uma landed in water and not on solid ground though the way his body aches he isn't sure how much of a difference it would've been. No broken bone though at least from what he feels. He plucks his floating hat from the water and looks over at Uma who is floating on her back. Water is her element and she felt less impact in their fall.

The water surrounding them now was a deep cerulean color unlike any he's ever seen and the temperature was refreshing. Sunlight illuminated the hole from the large opening through which they came. For a place on the isle this secret hideaway is ambrosial.

"It's like some kind of underground pool inside a cave," Uma notes looking around.

The limestone walls are partially covered in vines with some thicker vines hanging down from the opening to the edge of the water. Along the side there are some rocks not submerged in water and Uma and Harry swim to them.

"The entrance is too high and the walls are too smooth to climb out. Got any rope in that bag of yours?" Uma asks.

"No," Harry sighs. "All the rope is in Hudson's bag. I didn't think we'd need any."

"Maybe I should've gone with Hudson," Uma stares into the water watching small school of fish swim by.

Harry takes off his jacket tossing it to the side along with his hat. Their heavily clothing, though quite fashionable and warm are not the best for this setting. Uma follows stripping off a few of her heavier items until she is in nothing but a tank top and cargo pants; her heavier top, vest, and boots kicked aside.

"I still have those bars," Harry offers opening his backpack. "We need to keep up our strength."

"Fine," Uma relents as Harry unwraps an oat bar for her.

"Its coconut flavored," Harry takes a bite of his own. "Snagged em from the lady who lives down the street. She makes em in her kitchen. Not exactly a piquant snack but not cardboard tasting."

"What a ringing endorsement," Uma's voice is filled with sarcasm. "It's not the most flavorful thing you've ever tasted but it's not the blandest either. We should think about incorporating that into our motto at the shop."

"Beats bilge," Harry cozies over to her. "At least we get to be alone. I've fantasized this moment."

"You've been picturing us being trapped in a cavern with no way to get out?"

"No," he shakes his head. "I've had dreams of us secluded in our own paradise; listening to the soft rocking of the waves."

Harry brings the hand his mother's ring is on to his lips. The gesture brings a big grin to Uma's lips and she finds hers cheeks feeling heated.

"What else do you dream about?" she asks with a bit of huskiness present in her voice.

"Why don't I just show you?" he suggests leaning in to kiss her.

Uma brings her hands to his waist tugging at his waistband. Harry smiles a devilish grin before placing kisses on her neck. She unbuttons his pants before pulling away to whisper,

"Take them off," in a husky tone.

Harry pulls away briefly and his pants and shirt join his jacket and boots in a pile. Uma kicks off her own pants and the pair reconnects.

"Why don't we go for a swim?" Harry suggests.

Uma wraps her arms around his neck as he lowers them into the aquamarine water. Harry's strong hands rest on her hips as he keeps her body close against his own.

"Someone came ready to play," Uma laughs against his lips before their tongues rejoin each other in a duel for dominance.

Uma and Harry are so caught in their intimate moment they are oblivious to what lies just beneath the surface. In the fathoms below where the water is dark and barely any light reflects there is movement. A flip of a fin and a swish of a tail gliding through the water go unnoticed.

"I'm so glad we're here alone enjoying each other," Uma whispers in between moans as Harry ravages her neck.

"I want you so bad. I've never wanted anyone more than I want you. But what if the crew finds us here?" Harry stops to ask.

"Then they'll get an eyeful," Uma replies.

Uma pulls him back into a hot kiss weaving her hands in his wet hair.

"Oh look young lovers," a watery female voice says causing Uma and Harry to turn in the direction.

"Isn't that sickening?"

Two mermaids have risen from the surface and are now starring at them. Both have long flowing hair and sparkling scaly skin. Instinctively Harry tights his hold on Uma going into protective mode.

"Don't you know who she is?" one with thick black locs wrapped around her head in an updo of sorts asks the other.

"Am I supposed to?" her rattlebrain companion asks.

"That's the sea witches daughter," she points to Uma. "The same sea witch who banned us to this area of the isle in the first place," she reminds her.

"I'm not afraid of you two," Uma declares. "You definitely can't be all that if my mom banished you here without magic."

"Well little sea witch, you and your boyfriend are about to find out just how bad mermaids can be," the one with the locs swims closer.

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