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Music is blasting from the speakers, the night wind carrying it to the docks attracting more party goers. The ship is illuminated by battery operated string lights the crew purloined from the goblins during the most recent shipment from Auradon.  

Auradon's castoffs were usually useless junk but every once and awhile they'd send things of use to the isle. Harry and Uma had decided these lights would be useful on dark nights on the ship.  If anyone tried to make a move on The Lost Revenge they'd see them before an attack. 

Harry is walking the deck and has discarded his usual pirate gear for an off-white tshirt and ripped black jeans with sneakers.

Harry looks around at the paper decorations, refurbished table tops, and makeshift bar. They didn't have alot on the isle but they knew how to work with what they did. 

What Gil lacked in book smarts and common sense he made up for with his other skills. Like his father Gil worked well with his hands.  He made it one of his goals to try and bring The Lost Revenge back to her former glory. 

"Dude, you gotta try this," Gil comes up to Harry and shoves a glass mug into his hand. 

"I dunno," Harry suspiciously eyes the glass. "I don't really like beer."

"Alright, Captain Picky," Hudson mocks him. "Can't drink unless the misses tells you to?"

"I do not do everything she tells me," Harry retorts. 

"Then have a drink mate," Hudson urges while taking a swig of his own drink.

"Des made an awesome brew. Beer making might actually be her calling in life," Gil happily guzzles the rest of his.

"It's not bad," Harry states upon taking a swig. 

"You ready to hang tonight, mate?" Hudson's asks slapping him on the shoulder.  "The girl's tonight are the isle' s finest."

"Harry hasn't even flirted with a girl in awhile," Gil points out. "What happened man? You used to maske a move on every pretty girl in your path".

"It gets boring. Most of these isle lasses are all the same. They want a naughty time they can brag about with their friends," Harry finishes his beer.

"So you're saying you don't want to snog a few of these fine lasses tonight?" Hudson asks while handing him another pint.

Before Harry can answer a female voice interrupts him.

"Hi, Harry," Marissa slinks close to their circle.

Hudson nudges Gil who tries to suppress a chuckle. 

"Now that's a girl worth impressing," Hudson tells Gil.

"I don't know man, she is a sea witch," Gil points out.

"I'd like her to put me under a spell."

"To what do I owe this little visit," Harry says sarcastically. "Uma's gone,ya know. There's really no reason for you to hang around when you can't terrorize her."

"Occasionally I like to make my presence known among these insipid twits," she says in her own sardonic tone.

"We're not all drab around here," Hudson tells her. "Maybe you should come out more and try to get to know us a little better."

Before she answers the noise from the crowd behind them catches her attention.

"Tempting but I think I'll hold off for now," she smiles coyly at him. "Come on!"

Harry reluctantly follows her along with Gil and Hudson to where a circle has formed and some people from school are showing off their dance moves.

  Hudson gets in the middle and shows off his moves earning some cheer from the crowd.

"And now we dance," Marissa grabs Harry by the collar pulling him into the crowd. 

Marissa has moves like a snake charmer and it's heard to keep eyes off her. 

 Once they're done dancing Harry walks over to the bar to grab another pint while Marissa follows behind.  

He gets his fill of the brew and leans along the side of the ship looking out at the night sky over the dark waters.

"I like to be out on nights like tonight. The moon full in the sky, the waves dark yet calm, the moon jellies floating close to the surface shining in the sea like stars in the sky. There's something so mystical about it," Marissa sighs.

"Yeah, it sure is a beautiful night to be at sea," Harry says.

"Look closely," she whispers. "You just might see something magical."

Harry stares down at the water which appears to be bubbling.  Water stars shooting up in cylinders and taking form in different shapes.

"Wow,"  Harry's eyes grow wide as water resembling a fish floats past him.

Other people around them start to notice the water floating into the air and across the ship. They're mesmerized as well

"And that's just a taste of what I can do," she tells him. "Imagine how power I would be if we were able to expand the cracks in the barrier and bring it down all together."

Marissa leans forward while staring directly into Harry's blue eyes. The spaces closes in between them and Harry can feel her breath on his face.

"I'm in love with Uma," Harry pushes her away before she can land her kiss.

"Uma is a pretty girl but she's weak. She's had chances but she always fails.  Get on the winning side Harry! I plan on escaping and when I do it will be Marissa everyone is singing praises to."

"They may be teaching you witches a few tricks and how to wave a magic wand but they aren't preparing you for a real fight. The pirates are prepared for the real battle that is to come when the barrier falls," Harry states with determination and pride evident in his voice.

The crew is his family moreso than his own family and he has faith in them. 

"It's not wise to mess with a sea witch. But you'll find that out soon enough. I'll leave you to you're drunken foolery," Marissa says. "We'll see if the pirates are ready for a real fight."

She turns to walk away but not before raising her hand and letting her water creations fall. Water splashes onto their deck and some of the party goers and a few small screams and giggles are let out. 

Harry takes another swig of his beer before throwing his mug angry into the water below.

"Time to make this party a little more exciting," she says to herself as she heads down the bilge.

The compartment is small and rusty with urchins sticking to the side. The air reeks of musty dampness. The cramped mermaids are desperate trying to move though there's no where for them to flop around.

"Come on ladies, time to make things a little more interesting."

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