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{ Here goes chapter 2 }

I was all over this game . Screaming , yelling and cheering . Odell would look over and smile or do some dance that would have both of us rolling . I noticed Sarah kept sighing but I thought it was just Falcon fans annoying her .

It was last quarter , we were winning of course . I watch as Eli throws the ball to Odell . He caught it with one hand making the crowd go absolutely crazy . " OMG YES! " I scream . I looked over at Sarah to see her arms crossed . " what's wrong " I asked . She pointed to my phone . I grab it and see I have 7 missed calls from Lonzo . What the hell Lonzo I thought to myself . " I'll be back " I say tapping Sarah lightly . She nods and continues to watch the game .

" babe I'm sorry you're sick but you know Sarah took me to this game and you just kept calling " I argue with Lonzo . No we aren't dating , I've known Lonzo my entire life so we call eachother little pet names . I fell for him though a while back but , telling him would be a terrible idea .

I was heading back to our seats when I notice the game is over and everyone is either gone or leaving . How did I not notice this? I shake my head and turn to see Sarah with Odell and some other guys . I walk to them , my face instantly turning a dark red . " hey babes " Sarah says . I smile . Odell smiles and looks down at my shirt . I was just wearing a plain Giants shirt . " mhmm where's my jersey " he says folding his arms . I laugh a little . " well it must still be at the store huh " . He puts his hand over his chest like he's hurt . I laugh . I'm always laughing around him .

After a while of just standing talking with the guys I notice something weird with both Landon and Olivier . They act weird around Sarah . I shake it off and notice Odell has my phone . I reach my arm over and try to grab my phone but he quickly snatches it away . " Odellll " I whine . He laughs handing it to me after he types something .

I see he put his number in my phone . My face heats up . " you didn't read the name did you " he asks . I look at the name and read " Daddy Dell 🤤👅💍 " . I shake my head . " you're a dumbass " I punch his arm lightly . I look at him . We stare at eachother for what seems like forever until I finally look away . What's happening? I feel some type of way around him .. but it's an amazing feeling .

Chapter 2 complete!❤️

Don't forget to add me on snap @ YoungGronkowski 💙

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