4 .

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I had a game today against the Dallas Wings . I was currently in the locker room getting my pep talk done by Sarah . " okay so you got this , you're going to do absolutely amazing out there . You're gonna beat them and get 30 points right " she asks . I nod my head starring at the ground . She sighed . " don't let these two losers get in you're head " she says laughing . I push her lightly and laugh . " you're a mess " I say laughing . " I know now let's go it's game time for you " she says grabbing my hand .

I run out of the tunnel slapping some of the fans hands . I look around and see my jersey number Everywhere . I smile and continue to warm up . Butterfly Effect was playing which was my absolute favorite . The song made me focus , I didn't miss not one shot . I bobbed my head and looked over to where Sarah was sitting when suddenly my eyes met a pair of green ones . It was Lonzo . When we first left college and both got drafted he told me " no matter if we're mad or upset with eachother we'll still be supporting eachother " . He kept his promise . I gave him a small wave and smile . He returned it .

{Swish} I heard that amazing sound and heard the crowd go absolutely crazy . I won the game for us . I jumped up and down going absolutely crazy . Our first game of the season was successful . I ran to Sarah jumping in her arms . We both fell over laughing . " I told you you'd do amazing!! " she shouted . I laughed and got up looking at Lonzo . He smiled and picked me up off the ground swinging me back and forth . " you did it LuLu " he has always called me that . I loved when he called me that . We stare at each other just smiling when he leans in closer . I suddenly get nervous and my smile fades . He doesn't seem to notice and I feel his lips on mine . My stomach turning in and out and many feelings I can't even explain . I kiss back . I see a flash . I pull away fast and see someone has taken a picture . " wait can you please del- " but the guy ran off before i could finish my sentence . I was still holding Lonzos hand . What was even happening right now . I turn to see Sarah looking between me and ... Odell . His face tells it all . He was upset . " Odell wai- " he walks away . Leaving me standing there completely confused .

Chapter 4 complete!❣️


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