5 .

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{ Gelo 😍💙💍 }

What was I even doing? I don't know . I was walking outside . In the pouring rain . I let the tears spill . Am I crying because I love both Lonzo and Odell? Yes that's why . I move my hair out of my face and look around really not knowing what to do . I see Sarah running towards me trying her best not to slip . " Sarah go home " . She grabs my arm . " what's wrong? Is it the boys? You don't need them to control you're life like this Lupe! " she shouts . I've never seen her shout before . Maybe one time but that's during football not something like this .

" Sarah I'm not letting them control my life now go home " . She sighs " this is so ridiculous! Look if you want my damn opinion odell isn't the guy for you! You'll last a week with him! He'll get bored of you like the rest! " she yells really loud making me jump . My heart drops at the sound of that . " last a week " keeps replaying in my head . That's ridiculous , I love him .. I can't let him go like that .

" Sarah what if I give him a chance and he isn't like that at all! " . Sarah looks at me like I'm crazy . What if she's wrong? Then again maybe she doesn't want me hurt , but I love him . I fell for him and I hate it so much . " I can't believe you right now! " she screams . I let more tears fall . This is so stupid right now . I was about to say something when I see Landon standing in the distance and Sarah walks off . She was upset . I was upset , so was Odell ...

This was a very short trash chapter 🤦🏽‍♀️💀😂

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