3 .

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" come on girls let's go " I hear coach yell at us . I have been lacking a lot . I couldn't stop thinking about Odell . He was absolutely amazing in so many ways . I have been hanging with him a lot lately and I can never stop thinking about him . I think Sarah is dating Landon but I honestly don't know . I dribble the Ball crossing up my teammate and shooting for the 3 point . I hear the swish and smile in satisfaction .

Practice was just ending , we were all about to head to the locker rooms when I heard a whistle . I looked up quickly seeing the boys and Sarah . I feel my face heat up and jog towards them . " hey guys how long have you been here " I ask in confusion . Odell smirks " the whole time " he says . I laugh and punch his arm . lately , that was kinda our thing I would always punch his arm lightly and he would pretend to be hurt . " well baby girl go shower up so we can go eat " Odell says smacking my thigh lightly . My face was probably insanely red . I laughed and quickly jogged away .

" where we going ? " I ask Odell . He shrugs " I'm honestly just following them " he laughs a little . I nod looking out the window . Rake it up by Yo Gotti comes on and I instantly start dancing . Odell laughs as he records me . " put the phone down we gone die " I say laughing grabbing his phone . I take a bunch of videos on his Snapchat and post them . I put his phone back on his lap and he smiles looking at the videos . I smile back and look out the window . I freeze when I feel his hand on my thigh . I try my best to hide the fact that I'm blushing but fail when Odell pokes my cheek .

                          {Hours Later}

" wow lupe you're literally all over Odell on Snapchat! This is why you haven't fucking talked to me in 5 days! " he shouts through the phone . I shake my head tears brimming my eyes . " I've been busy with practice too Lonzo " I don't even have to see him I already know he's shaking his head . " whatever " he says hanging up . I throw my phone on the floor and slide down the wall . He can't be that mad .. can he? .

End of chapter 3!❤️

Enjoy 🤙🏽

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