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Sarah and I were currently laughing hella hard at one of our favorite movies . White chicks . " oh my god pause the movie my stomach hurts " Sarah said in between laughs . This movie always made the bad times good . Sarah looks over at me and furrows her eyebrows . " you're phones been going off like crazy " she says . I look over and grab my phone seeing a whole bunch of instagram and twitter notifications . Which I'm use to it now so maybe it's just fans . I look at the video I'm tagged in and see Odell and some girl making out .

I cover my mouth . " what .. what's wrong " I hear Sarah say . I felt a tear slip , I knew this was stupid but it actually hurt me . Seeing him with some nasty girl at the club . Sarah was right . She grabs my phone and looks . Her face changes . " come on " is all she says . I stand up following her to the door . " where are we going ? " I ask putting my Jordan's on . She turns around and smiles . " out " .

We made our way to the club . This wasn't a good idea . Especially because I saw Landon in one of those videos that Sarah didn't see . " Sarah let's just go home " I try telling her but she doesn't listen . She continues to walk through the club . I stand behind her not really knowing what to do . I'm not dressed for this , I'm in sweatpants and a crop top . I'm not even in the mood to be here . Sarah looks around and then looks at me quickly . " act casual " . I roll my eyes and sit down at the bar on my phone . She didn't even let the bartender walk over to us she already told him no . I rested my head on my hand and sat there not knowing what to do . I then seen someone come up to Sarah . I lift my head and see Olivier . " hey Lupe " he quickly says before going back to the convention with Sarah . I sigh and get up . I'm not staying here any longer I told myself . As I walk to the exit I feel a strong arm grip my wrist . I quickly turn around and make eye contact with Odell .

" let me go " i say sternly . He just stares at me . He was drunk it wasn't hard to tell . " why are you here? " he slurs . I don't answer him . I push him off me and continue my way to the door . Why did Sarah drag me here? This was a complete waste of time . I call Lonzo to come pick me up and of course he agrees .

                             {Lonzo's pov}
" why did you even go? You could've said no you know " I say to Lupe after picking her up . She stares out the window . I can tell she was upset . I'm just trying to figure out why she's so hooked on him . He's obviously not good for her . Why doesn't she see that . I've loved her all my life .

Once we get to my house I let her shower and eat . I get the bed ready for us . " no Lonzo I'll sleep on the couch " she says turning to walk downstairs . " no " I say and lightly grab her waist . " you're not sleeping on the couch " . I lay down fixing my my pillow . She lays there on her phone texting someone but it was non of my business . When she finally put her phone up she turns and I take that time to put my arm around her . " Goodnight beautiful " I whisper . " goodnight Green eyes " I could almost see the smile on her face . This is what I want every night .

Enjoy 💗🤙🏽
Sorry if there's any spelling or grammar errors .

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