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She's hurt . My heart literally dropped and I found myself trying to run to the field only being stopped by a huge man . " Let me go G! " I yelled in Rob Gronkowski's face , but I couldn't fight him . He was too strong . " No! During times like these we can't be distractions " he yelled . Making me jump . I look over at the field and see her laying there unconscious . I then see Julian . " Bu- bu- but look he's out there G! " I yell . Julian was flipping out . I've never seen him like that before . I started crying . I couldn't control it . I felt sick , I felt like I could barley breathe I was crying so hard . I felt Robs hand on my shoulder . " She's a fighter .. a tough one too she'll be okay .. I promise " he said smiling . I shook my head . " You don't understand! I get she's you're family and you've seen this shit when you were younger but G I haven't!!! " I shout . I could feel eyes on me but I could care less . That was my best friend , laying there unconscious . I watch as they lift her onto the cart and they disappear in the tunnel with Julian on the back . " oh my god " I say trying to breathe . I feel my phone keep vibrating so I finally look at it . " Sarah Gronkowski severely injured " I read . She's all over the news . Fans quickly taking to Instagram , Snapchat and Twitter . She's the number one hashtag . My heart beating faster then ever . I see Lonzos caller Id come up . I don't wanna answer but I have too . " Hello " I say . I hear him sigh . " are you okay babe " . I instantly start crying . I don't say anything .. I just cry . " Let it out " he says .

After we hang up I get back on twitter . I see that Landon Collins tweeted . " This is all my fault , please please be okay " I furrowed my eyebrows . I can barley remember what happened . I looked over at the Giants side and don't see him anywhere in sight . I run over to coach . " I need to see the replay of Sarah " I say kinda demanding . He nods his head over to a guy holding a small screen . I thank him and run to the older guy . " may I please see the replay of Sarah Gronkowski " he looks at me for a minute before going to the small tv and doing something . He turns the tv to me and I watch it . Holy shit he hit her hard . " Fuck! " I scream . I instantly fall on the ground . Not caring about the scene I was causing . I looked over at the tunnel . I wiped my eyes and ran straight to it . Once I hit the end of the tunnel I look down one hall . Nothing . I look down the other and see .. him sitting on the ground crying .

Okay! I had to change the drama a little bit lol . Can't have the same drama every time .. hope whoever reads likes it !! You can always comment if you want a book directly for you or something ~ Sarah G 💗🤘🏽

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2017 ⏰

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