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He didn't even smile at me . He had this look in his eye I couldn't even make out . I looked away quickly . The guys carried me to the locker room doors and put me down . " Cool down , okay? " one of the guys said . I nodded and opened the door entering the locker room . What is happening? I've never ever done that before . I've never fought with anyone like that before . I'm probably number one trending . I can't believe I did that , but I was so mad and caught in the moment .

I didn't get to play the rest of the game but it was okay . I watched on the sides and cheered my team on . We won and I was happy I just didn't feel like going out and celebrating like usual .

                         {Lonzo's Pov}
I watched Lupe as she walked out of the locker room with her bag around her shoulder . " wait! " I shouted making her stop and turn . I jog to her and without even caring about her getting mad , I hug her . I didn't wanna let go so I told her that by hugging her tighter . She hugged back . " I love you " I whisper . I could feel her smile against my chest . " I love you too " . I can say things were back to normal . Hopefully Odell doesn't ruin it .
{ End of his Pov }

6 days and no sign of Sarah . I haven't seen her and Landon . I haven't seen her with Odell . She deleted all her posts but three . A selfie of her , my favorite picture of us at the beach , and a picture of her and her teammate Julian Edelman . Lonzo told me I should call her so , that's what I plan on doing now .

I sigh . She didn't answer . Well I guess I'll just text her then I thought .

Me : Hey Sarah .  

Bestfraand💗🤞🏽: Hey , are you okay .

She texted back but she couldn't answer? Okay ..

Me : I'm okay I need you to come over .

Bestfraand 💗🤞🏽: I'll be there .

I smiled . Finally things will definitely be normal once I have her back . She's my best friend . I can never lose her no matter what .

I hear the door opening . I know it's Sarah already , she has a key to my house so she usually just always walks in . I stand up and jog towards the door . I stop and smile . She gives me a small smile and puts her arms out . I jump in her arms and hug her . " you're my best friend I couldn't be away from you for much longer " she says laughing . I laugh . I could see this pain in her eyes and I grab her arm making her eyebrows furrow . " what happened " is all I say and she breaks down .

                         {Odell's Pov}
" Come on bro we gon to the club " . I say to Landon as I head downstairs . Him and Sarah just broke up and I decided to take him out to get his mind off it . I also needed to clear my head from Lupe . It's obvious she doesn't love me . Now Sarah is probably changing her mind even more . I wait in the car and see Landon finally come out . " ready " I say looking over at him . He nods looking out the window .

Once we get to the club , instantly hot air hits me . The smell of alcohol and smoke fills my nose . I didn't enjoy the smell but what do you expect it's a club . I grab Landon and I a drink and chill at the bar . I had a weird feeling that I shouldn't be here but I shrugged it off . I instantly lock eyes with some random girl . She was pretty but I could tell she was bad news , but I ended up dancing with her . The alcohol was getting to me and I felt her lightly pull on my shirt . I wasn't thinking I let her . I let her grab my hand and drag me to a private area . What was I doing? I need to stop but I couldn't .

Ouuuu 👀👀
Enjoy 🤙🏽💗

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