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{ this has nothing to do with the story but y'all my baby tore his ACL and is done with the season it doesn't feel real 💔 }
Back to the story .

I finally drove home . I was completely soaked , cold and hungry . What the hell am I doing? I ask myself walking upstairs getting into the warm shower . After changing I jog downstairs and order a pizza . Pizza has always been my favorite I mean duh doesn't everyone love pizza . I lay on the couch and cry . Why am I doing this to myself? Crying over 2 guys? My momma didn't raise me that way . I stand wiping my eyes . I'm not crying over this anymore I said to myself .

" Dylan here! " I yell and pass her the Ball . She quickly catches it , turning around tripping . " Dammit Dylan! " I scream . These past few days have been terrible . Sarah and I haven't spoken and it's been getting to me . I haven't spoken to either Lonzo or Odell . I saw that the patriots beat the Giants last night and I instantly think how her relationship with Landon works out . I shake the thoughts and go back to practicing which was going terrible .

                         {Lonzo's Pov}
I haven't talked to Lupe in 3 days and it's killing me . I don't wanna bother her but I need to make sure everything is okay . Sarah and I aren't on good terms because she said Odell and I are " controlling her life " I'm not at all . I don't really know about Odell I just know he's a hella good wide receiver . Everything isn't normal and non of us are doing well . Even Sarah's game she kept dropping passes . Lupe has a game tonight and I'm going because I love her and will always be there .
{ end of his pov }

We aren't ready . It's game time and I didn't have Sarah here to tell me that I'm going to do well . I love my team and teammates but they weren't Sarah . I've known her all my life and it was just different . I sigh and get up running to the end of the tunnel stopping . I grab my necklace I have on and kiss it . Looking up to where to sky would be but I see the ceiling I point and mouth " thank you " I then run out of the tunnel hearing the crowd go crazy .

" shit " I scream . " what the actual fuck are you doing !! " my heart beating faster than it ever has before . The girl on the other team tugged on me breaking my necklace in two . My grandma gave me the necklace before she passed and she ruined it . I don't think I just go . I push her getting on top of her and throwing punches everywhere . She tries to push me off but I was stronger than her . I suddenly felt hands on my arms pulling me off of her . " NO LET ME GO " I scream . They were trying to get me off the court but I was kicking and screaming I wanted to beat the living hell out of her . I fell to the ground tears falling down . I was having a break down in front of .. my fans .. my teammates .. two men then grab me carrying me to the tunnel . I make eye contact with the familiar green eyes . Lonzo .

Enjoy babes 💗🤙🏽

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