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Alteration of season 1- episode 14: Turning Points

Big bright neon lights flashed from inside the club. You could hear the music booming and you could almost feel the vibrations from it. A chilly light breeze ruffled Tara Webster's dress as she sighed, looking at her watch again. Kat and what's-his-face had left her outside for over an hour. Looking to the bouncer, she said; "My friend has my wallet and phone inside. Can I go and get them, and then I'll come straight out."

The bouncer merely laughed.

"I'm not lying!" She told him in defiance. With one last laugh, the bouncer pulled out his own cell phone and handed it to her. "Why don't you call your mommy and ask her to come pick you up?"

"But my friend will come back for me." Tara told him as she took the phone from him, feeling the need to say this aloud. More for her own benefit then his. Dialing Kat's number, she held it to her ear. After she got her best friend's voicemail, she paused contemplating on what to do now. As she looked down the street, she knew one thing was for sure. She wasn't walking out of here all by herself. It was to terrifying. But what could she do?

"Can I make one more call?" The farm girl asked. The bouncer nodded his head.

Who to call? She thought staring at the phone. Ethan wouldn't care. Even if he did, he's too far away to do anything. And Abigail is out of question. She'd just laugh in my face. Sammy? No, he's spending holidays with his family. I can't ask him to do that.

That only left one person, Christian... Sighing, she dialed his number. The ringing seemed to go on endlessly. Then finally... "Hello?"

"Christian..." She said then she began to explain the situation Kat had gotten her into. After he said he would be there in a while and had hung up, Tara then breathed a sigh of relief. Handing the phone back to the big man before her; she said, "Someone is coming to get me."

He nodded his head as Tara sat on one of the steps.

"I never wanted to come tonight anyway. I have class tomorrow and I have to get up early." The girl leaned her head against the brick wall, wondering why she had let Kat drag her here in the first place.

After thirty minutes of talking to the bouncer, Christian walked up the first few steps.

"So this is what you call being in danger, huh?" He teased with a smirk, making his presence noticed.

"Christian!" She ran down the remaining steps and wrapped her friend in hug. As they began to walk to the taxi that was waiting for them, Tara glanced back at the bouncer and waved by to him. Then with Christian right behind her, she climbed into the toasty warm cab.

"Thank you again," She said while Christian told the driver to just take them to the park and they would walk the rest of the way. The skater looked over to her and nodded.

"I couldn't just leave you there. Per contrary belief, I was raised better then that." He told her with a smirk.

After Christian had paid the driver, they got out and began their walk to the academy. As they were walking, Tara checked her watch again. "Twenty minutes till curfew, let's walk really slow."

Walking down the sidewalk, she started to look around her as she took in the scenery. Tara glanced over her shoulder and saw Christian walking extremely slow.

The farm girl giggled, "Okay, I changed my mind. Giant steps,"

"Giant, okay," That started the duo walking a whole different kind of slow. Till Christian told Tara, "Stop right there."

Struggling and failing to keep her pose, she giggled even more as Christian stepped up beside her.

"Race to the end of the park?" He glanced at her. The farm girl nodded, "Alright. One your mark, get set-" She took off laughing, with Christian running behind her calling, "Cheat!"

But in the end Christian did end up winning. As they turned to look at each other, Christian held out his hand. Tara smiled taking it. Then she was twirled around; Christian took her other hand and they began to dance their old de deux partner dance. Until, of course...Christian leaned back a little too far and they fell to the ground. Then they lay there, laughing and talking about random stuff...

Suddenly, Christian propped himself up on his elbows and stared down at the farm girl. "Why do you like Ethan?"

"What?" Tara too sat up, looking taken back.

"Oh, I'm just wondering." Christian said in a way that made it seem like he didn't care. The girl beside him lay back down and thought for a moment. "Because he's every way."

"Okay," Retorted Christian.

"You may not see it, but I feel it and I really-" Tara started to say again, looking up at him. But again he cut her off, "I said, okay."

For a moment they sat there, listening as the train came their way.

"Train's coming," She told him, trying to break the awkward silence that had suddenly set in between the pair. Christian glanced back at her then in the direction of the train and then back at her. Leaning down, his lips met hers...

His lips were soft, but also rough at the same time. A good kind of rough she decided and they tasted like mint and cinnamon had fused together to create the most wonderful combination she had ever tasted.

He kissed her hesitantly at first, but when she started to kiss back; he moved to kiss her more urgently. Cupping the back of her head; he leaned up, taking her with him. But all too soon, oxygen became a problem. So Christian let go of her head and pulled back, their lips parting with a light smack. After checking Tara's watch, Christian stood up and held out his hand, "Come on we've only got ten minutes left till curfew."

The farm girl placed her hand into his and he pulled her up from the grass easily. As they began their walk back, Tara's head was swarming with thoughts. Did that really just happen? My first kiss was...Christian? But what about Ethan? What'll happen between Christian and me now? Will this affect our dancing? What does this mean? Does this mean Christian...likes me?

"Training Bra," Tara came crashing back to reality by the sound of Christian's voice. They had arrived at her door. She glanced down to her side. There lay their hands still joined. He had held her hand all the way home... Tara's heart fluttered just a little at the thought.

Opening the door, Tara looked back at Christian. "Thank you for rescuing me again. I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

The skater nodded, leaning in to give her a quick peck on the lips. "G'night Training Bra."

Then he dropped her hand and walked away. Tara watched until he rounded the corner then she shut her door and went to bed with the goofiest grin on her face. Who would've thought Christian would come to her rescue?

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