Request - Jocelyn

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Hey guys!  This imagine is for Jocelyn (@jocelyn_V10).  It's been a while since I posted last so I made this imagine longer to make up for it!  This imagine is taking place back around the time when One Direction was starting their hiatus, so keep that in mind.

Thank you so much to everybody who reads my stories.  I really appreciate it.  Please keep on reading, voting, and sharing.  And if anybody wants to request an imagine, just comment down below and I will try to write it as soon as possible.  Thanks again!



The garage door slams, snapping me out of my comfortable silence, and I hear quiet, angry muttering coming from the mud room. I slowly close my eyes and inhale a long breath of air before releasing it at the same speed, preparing myself to meet an angry Niall.

I don't exactly know what has been going on lately, but Niall has come home in a bad mood almost every day this week. My loving boyfriend is usually happy and giggly, but his complete mood change has flipped his norm upside down.

I stand up from the couch and walk towards the mud room, leaning up against the doorway. He angrily rips off his shoes and coat, not caring where they landed and pushes past me without even a hello.

"Where's dinner?"

"I put it in the fridge, babe. I wasn't sure when you would be home and I didn't want it to go bad," I replied. He mutters under his breath as he heads toward the fridge.

He rips open the refrigerator door and looks around for a moment before closing the door again.

"I'll just get it later," he says, surprising me as he leans up against the cupboard.

"I can heat up the leftovers for you, it's no problem. Why don't you sit down and rest while I get that ready for you," I softly respond and reach out to give him a hug, which he denies.

"I can't just sit down and rest, Jocelyn!" Niall's temper shoots through the roof and he breaks out yelling. "With everything going on, I can't even get a good night sleep! Just forget about the food and go back to doing whatever you were doing before I got home."

My heart feels as if it dropped to my stomach. Niall never, ever raises his voice at me. I am startled, to say the least. As my heart sinks lower, I try to hide my feelings and keep my tears back as he stomps out of the room.

I am hurt that he got so mad at me so quickly; I am just trying to help. But I do understand. I understand how he can be so frustrated that he just needs to blow up. With everything the band is going through right now, I can't believe they have stayed well put together for so long.

None of the guys have really showed that there has been a problem going on or that they want to split ways for a while. Niall is definitely taking this the hardest. He loves those guys so much and really respects their decisions. I can't even imagine how he feels right now. I have tried to get him to talk to me about it and let me know how he is feeling, but he won't budge.

I decide that the best thing for me to do is heat up some of the leftover chicken I made for dinner and bring it to Niall. Hopefully getting some food in his stomach will help him feel better.

With the food hot and ready on a clean dinner plate I walk to Niall's study, knowing he will still be working late. The door is slightly open and I see his desk lamp lighting up the room, but he isn't in there. He will probably be back soon so I walk in the room and place his steaming hot plate on the desk out of the way of the scattered papers.

Niall ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now