Change Of Plan - The Secret Club Of Magical Situations

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Heeeellllllllooooo!!!!! :D

It's been AGES since I've uploaded so here's chapter eight, you've gotten a few ideas from Gee's head that he had dreams of starting a band but now the Wizarding world is involved with their life will they ever have a Muggle job when they're older???

Do you guys think that I've sort of made it fair for Mikey, Frank, Ray and Gerard that they've all got parts in each chapter and that I've not made one one them more important than the others because that's really important that I don't do that because I want everyone to know how every member is feeling and all their thoughts, so hopefully I've made it all fair :)

I don't want this story to be like "MIKEY....MIKEY...BLAH BLAH BLAH........."


- Keep Shining <3

Melissa xoxoxo



The day was pretty boring, homework which probably will take hours but aside from that I wanted to know how Ray was doing before dinner but Madame Pomfrey said that it would best to let him rest. We were on our way to dinner and mostly everyone knew about Ray but at least they weren't saying anything about it.


While we were eating in the great hall, some girl was chanting; "Fire Crabs, Fire Crabs, OH ALMIGHTY FIRE CRABS!" 


"Who is THAT?" Mikey asked, we were sitting at the Gryffindor table with Ron, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Luna and Neville.


"That's Jenny Baggins In fourth year, she's very nice for a Slytherin." Luna stated in her usual calm voice. 


Most people by now were staring at her and if it wasn't for her randomness then it would be for her bright red hair. If only Ray could be here to see this.


Mikey POV:

Ray was getting out of the hospital wing today and I'm pretty excited to see him out of that hospital bed. The good things that have happened while Ray was in the hospital wing was that we've made some new friends like Jenny, Brittany and Tina.

Jenny was the girl that was yelling about Fire Crabs the night Ray went to the hospital wing. She was quite random and loud but really funny. Jenny was the kind of girl that made you laugh even on your worst days.

Brittany is the Hufflepuff girl I met that same say, she showed Frank and I where the Hospital was so I owe her one. She actually had no friends but then I introduced her to everyone and she has some friends.

Lastly was Tina, Gerard's Lady Friend. He says that they're just friends but I know my brother and well that's not friendship. Tina was kind of scary in a way but so nice and kind. Scary in the way that she was an experienced witch, that if you made one bad move, you'd be hexed into oblivion. Tina was also very helpful. While Ray was in the hospital wing she helped me with my homework and essays. 

Umbridge is still refusing to let us use magic and our wands so Frank, Gerard and I actually made a plan up and we've talked to Ron and Hermione about it and they both seem to like it. To get people for this plan we were going to go to Hogsmead but second years aren't allowed there yet so we've decided to do it in an empty classroom.

Our plan is actually pretty simple. Basically what happens is that we gather round people that are willing to fight for magic and also people that hate Umbridge. The whole idea is based on the fact that we need a teacher that will actually teach us something. Something else that we're fighting for is Professor Dumbledore.

That teacher is Harry Potter.

After Harry gives his little speech about why everyone should go to the club, people that want to be a part of it will write their names in a list on parchment and then we'll get back to them once we've found a room to practise in.

That is, if anyone actually wants to join.

I've thought about some names for our club and I have a few:

1) The Secret Club Of Magical Situations - SCOMS (Sc-Om-S)

2) The Rebellion

3) Magical Group Of Magical People - MGOMP (Muh-Gomp)

That was it, I know they're not good but at least I've thought of a few.

I should probably get down to that meeting now, but first we need to get Ray.


This was a SHORT chapter but sort of a fill in chapter, so once in a while there will be a few of those  but see in this chapter it was Mikey, in the next one it would be maybe Ray or something :)

Hope you liked it! :D

- Keep Shining <3

Melissa xoxoxo

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