Change Of Plan - 'I Must Not Tell Lies' And 'I Must Always Obey'

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Hiyaaa how are you??? Here Is chapter 4!! Hope you guys enjoy It and Since I need more OC Characters, I'd like to know If you would want to be a character :)

and I hope you guys like this chapter :D

- Keep Shining <3

Melissa xoxoxo :D



"Now, I think you might know why you're here, now Voldemort wanted something before he went after Harry and his parents, there is something he needed badly and he's back and probably wants it more than ever" Dumbledore explains to us. "I need you to think about what it is, then you must give me an Idea of it when you next speak to me" 


"Right now until Voldemort is stopped all we have Is each others" and with that we all left.


"Well I'm going to the library" Mikey and Hermione both said. They went off  together giggling about what they were going to search. "I think we should send letter's to anyone who might know about it." I suggest, "I'll talk to Sirius" Harry says, "I'll go with him, oh and also what happened to Malfoy, I LOVE IT!" Ron grinned, after they left I vaugely heard Ron whining to Harry about how he was hungry  then Harry swatted his head.


Well that was Strange.


               Gerard POV

Well after that talk with Beardy, well Professor Dumbledore I should say I decided to write to Mom and Dad using my Owl, Bandit, I'm not sure why I picked the name for her, I just really like It. It suited her. I don't know what to write though, how about 'Hey Mom, Dad, I need to know about some object that we need to find or else Voldy kills us all.' I may not be a Ravenclaw but I know that's a bad Idea. I think Ray and Frank are writing to their folks as well, Mikey being the Ravenclaw he Is, Went to the Library with the bushy haired girl called Hermione. Speaking of Hermione, Ron and Harry they're not what I expected, I mean I was told by other Slytherins that they were really annoying and stuck up, and Harry was really nice and didn't act like that at all, He just needs to wear more stylish glasses and It'll be fine.

Now I've been going through some theories about why Slytherins say bad things about Gryffindors, regardless about the fact that Ray or Mikey aren't In Gryffindor I still think It's unfair no one should be judged because of something stupid, but now I think that the rivalry Is:

1) Gryffindor beat Slytherin at a sport

2) Slytherin beat Gryffindor at a sport then Gryffindor did something bad  back

3) Red and Gold are better colours than Green and Silver (Which I don't believe)

4) Lions are better/braver than Snakes

They aren't good theories but oh well, now enough of wise mode back to normal mode, I guess I'll write to Mom and Dad after lessons, Since I've missed half of Herbology which from Herbs, I'm thinking It's something to do with plants but magical plants otherwise that would be plain stupid, but I might as well get there quickly. Ray had Herbology at the same time with me, so we walked together.

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