Chapter 1: Sister of Sam Wilson, Meet Vision

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Being the little sister of Sam Wilson was like a roller-coaster. He was a fun, annoying, sarcastic, awesome, dorky, daredevil, danger-seeking guy.

Him joining the Avengers was no surprise to you really. You usually helped him around the house anyway since you lived with him. You had been in a rebellious teen phase and moved out with him, but ended up staying because it was awesome in New York. You were now in college for your fourth year in Neuroscience.

One thing you must know about a certain Sam Wilson, he never lets a boy he doesn't approve of near you. Especially his friends making advances was a big no-no. He said it would be weird if his friend dated his sister anyway.

You were mostly angry because all his friends were either super hot, super nice, or both!

You were actually tell him that right now.

"How do you get such hot friends?! It's like all of them came out of a hot-ness machine!" You complained.

"I'm an Avenger. Avengers look way better fighting when they're good-looking like me." He gave a small grin as he cut up some carrot for dinner.

"...Just so you know, you don't have to cook for me tonight. I'm going out with Sarah and Michelle to the new restaurant down the street."

"Huh? Since when?" Sam paused with a confused look.

"Since last week. I told you."

"You did?" He thought about and acted like he remembered. "Oh! Right, yeah, have fun. Be back before dawn." He joked. You knew you hadn't told him, but he always acted like he remembered so he didn't look like an idiot. It helped you get away with quiet a bit.

"I will. I better get ready." You smiled and went to walk by.

"Hey now, give your big brother some sugar before you go party it up." He teased. You kissed his cheek with a laugh. You'd done it since you were children. It became a tradition of sorts.

"Bye Falcon."

"Home by midnight Hummingbird."

"Sure thing." He'd never know you were actually going to one of Tony Starks parties with your friends. Poor, naive little Sammy.


"This rocks!" Sarah beamed as she looked at the sex on the beach in her hand.

"This party beats highschool." Michelle admitted.

"Obviously. It's Tony Stark. Highschool is long in the past. We're twenty five now, let's live it up." You grinned and spotted Peter Parker (Genius Scientist under the mentor of Tony Stark himself) and Quicksilver (you forgot his name, but knew he was a famous Avenger) talking with each other. "Look at the two hunks over there. Crash their talk and get jazzy with it."

"I'm more feeling Pietro's sister today." Sarah bit her lip as she looked Wanda over, who had just joined Peter and Pietro's conversation.

"Go be gay sweetie, have fun." You laughed and pushed the two in that direction as you went over to the bar. You ordered a cocktail and drank it quietly as you watched Michelle talk to Peter, while Sarah was hitting up both twins by the looks of it.

You figured you should go join and mingle but your brother's years of protectiveness seemed to be poking at the back of your mind, because you didn't move.

"You seem to be in distress from your expression." Your head snapped up to see Vision. He had to be one of the strangest of the Avengers. At least, that's what Sam had told you.

"Uh, no, just conflicted on whether I should go and mingle or sit and drink." You admitted.

"Why not both?" He gave you a small smile, sitting on the stool besides you.

"Who shall I mingle with then if I sit on my butt and do nothing?" You joked.

"Well, you are breathing, so I wouldn't say you're doing nothing." He replied. "People move around a lot. It's what causes people to meet. Much like fate, but it's controlled by ones actions."

"Does that include why you came and sat with me?" You smiled.

"Well, I don't really consume nutrients like humans do." Vision admitted. "So I'm afraid I can't drink at the bar we sit at. I chose to come and sit by you of free will."

"How fascinating." You chuckled and looked him over. "...Do you have nerves?" You asked. You just had to.

"Well, not like human nerves, but I do feel pain. Both emotional and physical."

"That's amazing. May I touch?" You asked excitedly, indicating to his hand.

"You have such a curiosity for things beyond your comprehension. I guess I will allow you to." He offered his hand to you and you took it, feeling overwhelming happiness as you brushed your finger tips along his synthetic skin. You noticed his finger twitch.

"Do you feel when I do this?"

"Like I informed, I do feel. Though my tissue is synthetic, it holds human properties." You pressed your thumb against where veins found usually lie and his hand moved up slightly.

"Fascinating." You breathed, looking up at him. You noticed his eyes were strange. Not a bad strange, but...strange. They're were the green-blue of a river in the jungle, innocent yet thoughtful. You move one hand from his, the other still cupped the red appendage as you reached to touch his face-

"Well, aren't you getting along well." Pietro slipped between you two, breaking the contact between you both so he could grab some pistachios, plopping one in his mouth. "Didn't think Vision could actually grab a girls attention for longer then a minute." He said as he chewed.

"We were having a discussion about my bionic nerves." Vision explained. "I noticed you stuck to your own conversation to for a full ten minutes. Longest time I've seen in my records so far." Pietro made a slightly pouty face.

"Hey, your friend, Sarah, she sent me here to ask if you'd like to join us?" Pietro said to you, a charming smile in place.

"I, um..." You looked to Vision. You didn't want to rude to either men, but you did wish to speak longer with Vision. He was interesting and this might be your only chance in quite a bit.

"You may go if you are seeking permission the leave our conversing." Vision said politely with a small smile.

"Okay...I guess I should head back to my friends anyway." You smiled and stood, leaving with Pietro. You wondered how long it would take to see Vision again. Though he was strange...He was amazing in your opinion.

You got back home at midnight on the dot, Sam passed out on the couch, the TV still on. You smiled and turned it off, throwing the blanket over him.

"Big baby." You whispered to yourself fondly as you went you room. Your thoughts and dreams were mostly occupied by red, velvety skin and river eyes.


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