Chapter 3: Fears and Tears

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An explosion rang off in the distance, making you jump in fright, sitting behind the couch as you watched the flame rise higher in the distance. Wanda and Vision were watching too.

"What is that?"

"Stay here, please." Vision went through the wall, making you gap slightly.

"Amazing..." You mumbled. Wanda was silent, you held back a gasp when she suddenly turned around and directed a knife as a man. It stopped inches from his face and he pushed it aside.

"Guess I shoulda knocked." You felt a bit safer behind the couch where you went unseen. You weren't a superhero after all. You were just a neuroscience student with superhero friends and family. You knew how to fly Falcon's suit of course, but that was because Sam taught you for 'emergencies'.

"Oh, my god! What are you doing here?" Wanda ignored you to walk towards the new man. You couldn't remember his name exactly, but you knew him by the name of Hawkeye.

"Disappoint my kids." He came closer to her and took out an arrow for his bow. He shot two across from each other. "I'm supposed to be waterskiing." He sighed. "Cap and your brother needs our help. Come on." He grabbed her hand and you were about to protest, confused on why Steve would need them when he was already on a mission, when Vision came back.

"Clint!" He called and the two turned back to him. "You should not be here."

"Really? I retired for, what, five minutes, and it all goes to shit?" Clint was an Avenger -retired- but he wasn't allowed here? And what went to shit? You panicked for your brother. Could he be hurt?!

"Please consider the consequences of your actions." Vision moved towards the two slowly. You watched intently.

"Okay, they're considered." Clint said like a smart ass as Vision suddenly groaned, blue lights of electricity hitting him.

"Vis!" You gasped, moving towards one of the arrows to pull it out. You were human, and you didn't know if you'd live if you made contact with the electricity, but he told you himself he feels pain. You didn't want him to feel it though.

"Okay, we gotta go." Clint and started moving towards the exit as you grasped the arrow. Wanda looked at him as he turned back. "It's this way." He pointed out.

"I've caused enough problems. Pietro knows that." Wanda said.

"You gotta help me, Wanda. Look, you wanna mope, you can go back to high school. You wanna make amends, you get off your ass." You were able to pull the arrow out just as Vision incinerated the other, hissing when you burnt your hand on the hot arrow. You palm had a bright red streak on it now.

Vision was immediate as he walked towards Clint who prepared an arrow, but was punched to the ground before he got back up on his knees.

"I knew I should have stretched." Clint flicked out a black stick and went at Vision, but it passed through him, blocking his right hook. He tried to hit him again, passing through Vision's head before he went with his left, only hitting what probably felt like steel. It broke his stick, which he seemed to realise with dismay.

When he went to kick, he only passed through as Wanda watched at a still point.

"Do something!" You told her but she remained frozen. They needed to get Clint out of the building before he decided to just kidnap the Scarlet Witch.

"Clint, you can't overpower me." Vision told the archer as he held him in a headlock.

"I know I can't. But she can." He looked at Wanda, who had finally conjured her red bulb into her hand. Vision looked at her with something akin to surprise.

"Vision, that's enough. Let him go." She told him, stepped around the two. "I'm leaving." You were speechless.

"I can't let you go." Vision said firmly. His gem suddenly turned red as Clint slipped from his arms, going off to the side.

"I'm sorry." Vision looked betrayed as she increased his density, his weight cracking the floor slowly.

"If you do this...they will never stop being afraid of you." He told her, knees buckling towards the ground. You covered your mouth in shock, standing.

"I can't control their fear, only my own."

"Wanda stop!" You choked out, but it was too late as he cracked through the floor and descended down. She didn't stop despite your pleas, only let her red energy go when you got to close to the cracked floor, looking down for him.

Clint ignored you in favour of taking Wanda's hand and pulling her towards the exit. "Come on, we've got one more stop."

"Wanda!" You yelled after her. "Come back and help him!" You had tears in your eyes.

"I must do this. I'm sorry (Y/N)." She left with that. You continued to stare down the hole, tears falling slowly.

"What the hell is going on?" You sniffed and started climbing down the hole using the array of metal poles sticking out to guide yourself. You were interrupted on about the tenth floor down, your hands aching sore and eyes puffy.

"Though your efforts are sincere and gratefully taken, you may cease your descent." You almost screamed in surprise, Vision steadying you when you almost fell.

"Vision, oh god, Vis, I'm so sorry I didn't stop her earlier, I can't believe-" His hand rested on your shoulder, making you go quiet.

"It is alright. There is no need for tears." His hand slipped around to your back and the others under your knees as he slowly ascend to the top floor.

"But it hurt, didn't it...? I thought I should come get you." You sniffled, resting your head on his shoulder.

"...Your concern is touching, but I am fine. My pain tolerance is very high." He smiled lightly. "But for now, I must inform Mr Stark of the incident." He said as his feet touched the ground once more, letting you down gently. You wished he hadn't though.

"Vision." You said before he could disappear again.

"Yes (Y/N)?"

"...After you tell Stark, I need answers to were my brother is. Where Wanda is going. You know, don't you? Where they are, what they're doing?" You asked hopefully, and he must have noticed the tears in your eyes, because he nodded.

"I will tell you all I know if it'll make you at ease...You must promise not to go after Sam Wilson though." You agreed instantly.

"Thank you Vis...Thank you so much." You hugged him in gratitude, and though he was hesitant to return it, he did. He was surprisingly warm.

"As long as you keep your promise."

"Of course. I won't follow Sam." But where Sam was, you had a feeling Wanda wouldn't be far. So you might not go after Sam, but Wanda was a different route all together.


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